‘SNOWFALL’ Season 4 Episode 8 ‘Betrayal’

Culture Editor Bianca Gregg is back with the critically acclaimed ‘Snowfall’ recaps as they air each week. Check in with her to see how this stylized version of how the crack epidemic got started.

Bianca Gregg
The Lyons Den
6 min readApr 8, 2021


Courtesy of FX

Reed is wandering the jungle and stumbles upon a cluster of dead bodies. As he turns around someone knocks him out to the ground. We find out it was the sole survivor of the attack, a young woman. When Reed attempts to ask her how she survived she pulls a knife on him. She grabs Reed and drags him to a dead body of a woman. She blames Reed for what happened and he takes responsibility during an emotional breakdown. Reed ultimately tries to offer the young lady money to flee to Costa Rica, she takes it.

The article is out and being discussed at the barbershop. Everyone knows the drug kingpin is Franklin. Now that Manboy assumes the article to be correct, he assures Khadijah and Scully that he will kill both Franklin and Leon. He also wants to take over the CIA plug. We also find out what we knew Tanosse is working with Manboy to find out Franklin’s plug. No surprise chile! NONE! Manboy is supposed to be protecting her brother in exchange for information on the plug. Manboy threatens her to get the information on the plug by the end of the week or he will kill her and her brother.

Courtesy of FX

Franklin tells the family about the article. It sparks anger from Jerome because he had been lied to for so long about Reed being CIA. Franklin also let’s everyone know he has not heard from Reed, prompting further worry. Franklin snaps and reminds everyone that he is the one that is in trouble and that he will take the bullet to protect everyone, like he always does.

Irene has a meeting with her editor. The paper is getting calls from several major papers about the story and also getting calls from the government. While at the office, Irene gets a call from Franklin asking to meet with her. At the bar, Franklin virtually denies his current involvement in the drug game and claims he is doing real-estate now. Irene still pushes for him to talk but Franklin quickly reminds her that the government will do anything to kill her story. When Franklin mentions Irene’s ex and her child she snaps. Franklin got to her. The following day, Irene’s boss wants to kill the story and in walks government officials asking to have a meeting with him.

Courtesy of FX

Alton shows up to speak to Cissy. He offers for her to go with him out of the country. He wants them to live out the second part of their lives out of the drug game. Cissy is pretty non-responsive but she clearly still loves her husband. Later that day, Paul Davis’s assistant shows up. He tells Cissy her meeting with Davis has been canceled and he also returns the money that she had gifted to Davis. She lost her deal.

The day of Fatback’s funeral has arrived. Everyone is attendance, including Louie who was completely against the idea. Khadijah is waiting in the weeds with two female shooters. They do a drive by on the funeral and sadly Louie is hit. She is immediately rushed to the hospital and has emergency surgery performed on her. Leon tells Franklin that Manboy and Scully were not in the car, it was Khadijah. Tanosse agrees to help Franklin find out the name of the two women that were also in the car with Khadijah. Tanosse goes home and makes a call to Manboy updating him on the shooting at the funeral and warning him that Khadijah’s actions are ruining the plan. Manboy still wants the plug information from her.

Courtesy of FX

Franklin has a conversation with his mother in the waiting room. She is down about what has happened to Louie. Cissy also gives Franklin the news that Paul Davis had killed their deal. When Franklin tries to offer the idea that they can work with someone else, Cissy knows no businesses will want to work with them. She tells Franklin that she wants to leave South Central and not truly taking her idea seriously, Franklin tells her to simply give him a few hours to fix some things.

Reed is back and fully updated on the article. He meets with Franklin and notices the blood on Franklin. Franklin explains what happened at the funeral and that Louie was shot. Reed tells Franklin that Irene needs to be placed under control and that his father needs to keep quiet. Franklin admits he tried to convince Irene to leave the story alone but she is tough. Reed agrees to handle Irene from there. That night, Reed and Gustavo enter Irene’s home while she is sleeping. Gustavo muzzles her and holds her down while Reed injects her with something. He tells her that she will wake up in the morning but next time she will not wake up at all.

Courtesy of FX

Franklin returns to the hospital and finds out that Louie is in stable condition and that his mother has left the hospital. Tanosse tells Franklin the names of the two women that were in the drive by with Khadijah. She also decides to tell Franklin that Manboy is after his plug and if Franklin is willing to give it up, Manboy can stop Khadijah’s vengeful antics. When Tanosse goes back to sit down, you can see that Franklin has finally put things together. He tells Peaches to grab the car and tells Tanosse to get in contact with Manboy and let him know he will give up the plug. Tanosse heads home and makes the call. She tells Manboy she wants her money and that Jerome is planning to get his revenge that night. Franklin and Peaches sneak up on Tanosse with a gun drawn on her. Franklin asks her how long has she been playing him.


I love how hard Jerome is going for his woman although Louie has been right about everything she has warned the men about from the beginning.

Irene, I’ve got four words for you, PACK IT UP DELICIOUS! Leave the story alone sis. It’s not worth your life or the people you care about lives.

Cissy go and leave with your man sis. This undying loyalty to your son has gotten you back to square one. Just go and sit on the beach with Alton in the Dominican Republic.

After seeing this lady play with Franklin all season, we better see Peaches put a bullet through her head. Do not skip that scene.

