‘The Chi’ Season 4 Episode 2 ‘Cooley High’

Columnist Bianca Gregg is here to provide all the details on tonight’s episode of Showtime’s “The Chi.” As we follow our favorite characters from the beginning and get introduced to a few new faces, BALDWIN brings you our signature commentary and predictions each Sunday.

Bianca Gregg
The Lyons Den
5 min readMay 31, 2021


Courtesy of Showtime

Emmitt dreams about Tiffany chasing him around their apartment with a knife after finding out he cheated on her with Dom. He is awoken from the dream by Tiffany. He questions if she is upset with him and Tiff asks why he would ask her that. While he pours cereal, he appears to be zoned out. Tiff asks him what’s wrong but he quickly tells her nothing. He expresses his concern for Tiffany going to a studio to sell her product but she assures him she is fine. She takes time out to remind Emmitt that he has come a long way from being the man he once was, which further pushes the guilt Emmitt has been feeling.

Kevin has been going through a lot after the police incident. He has been getting high daily and drinking to deal. He is also growing frustrated with Keisha eating up all the food in the house. He is heading out to a college tour which is not exciting to him. At one point it would have been but Kevin has been through a lot. Jake is also going on the tour. Before he leaves, Trig expresses to him that it is okay if he isn’t okay. He reminds Jake that he does not have to be strong all the time. Jake tells Trig he loves him and that is the first time we’ve heard Jake express love to anyone so that was beautiful. On the bus ride to the college, Jake and Kevin still are not on normal terms. Jake keeps it very short with Kevin but goes into deep detail about his arm with one of their white classmates. Also Jemma wants to appear equal to Kevin, so when he expresses he is not sure what he wants to do in college, she tells him that isn’t okay.

Courtesy of Showtime

Otis watches the video of Officer Reeves attacking Jake. He goes to the hospital to speak to him and asks him a series of questions. He questions if Officer Reeves is a bad a cop. When he exits the hospital, he tells the media the police officer from the video has been fired. Roselyn and Jemma’s Uncle want Otis that his quick decision making could get him into trouble. Otis later calls a press conference to address the city on his new plans. Otis makes the decision to defund the police department, which is met with mixed emotions. Roselyn is not pleased by his decision even telling Otis that she did not sign up for this but he tells her she did.

Courtesy of Showtime

Trig goes to pick up his boy Shaad from Cook County. He tells Shaad that he will be staying with him and Imani until he gets on his feet. Trig brings Shy to his surprise party. For the beginning, Shaad makes Imani feel very uncomfortable. He flirts with her right in front of Trig who tells Shaad to chill out. Imani also finds out Shaad will be staying with them for awhile and she does not like the idea. Trig tells Imani he owes Shaad for taking a bid for him but Imani is still not on board with the idea.

Emmitt starts to hear his father’s voice while he is having sex with Tiffany. Eventually they stop and Tiffany asks what exactly is going on with him. Emmitt finally admits that he slept with Dom and Tiffany immediately storms out of the apartment. Tiffany heads to see her customer that has been flirting with her for some time. She sleeps with him. The following morning, Emmitt nervously sits around the apartment waiting for Tiffany to return, she never does.

Courtesy of Showtime

Kevin ends up being kicked off the college tour. He gets drunk and takes some molly with a few white guys he met on the campus. When he gets home, Keisha rips into his horrible decision making but she tells him that she will not tell their mother about what happened. Things for Kevin are slowly falling apart including his relationship with Jemma.

At the high school reunion, Jada ends up bringing Suede. At the party she discovers that Suede has slept with one of her high school frenemies at one point. Of course she still goes home with Suede at the end of the night. While laying in bed, Suede feels a lump in Jada’s breast. She insists it’s nothing and that she gets it checked out yearly but Suede would like her to get it checked out again. Jada goes to the doctor and finds out that the lump is indeed cancer.


Emmitt is going to have to suffer the consequences of his own actions.

The ultrasound scene really got me in my feels. I am so torn for Keisha.

Jake showing love and emotion toward his brother was wonderful to see. Jake deserves some type of healthy consistent love.

