‘The Chi’ Season 5 Episode 6 ‘Bring It On Home To Me’

Culture Editor Bianca Gregg is here to provide all the details on each new episode of Showtime’s “The Chi.” BALDWIN brings you our signature commentary and predictions each Sunday.

Bianca Gregg
The Lyons Den
5 min readAug 2, 2022


Courtesy of Showtime

Tonight’s episode opens with a colorful love scene consisting of just about every couple. Each twosome is currently dealing with struggles of transparency and honesty.

Keisha battles with the guilt of being involved with Emmett while remaining close to Tiffany. Keisha wants to be forthcoming with her friend but Emmett rejects the idea considering Tiffany did not care about being transparent about her dealings with Rob. When Emmett shows up at Smokey’s, he gets advice from Dom, who we have not seen all season, about the Keisha and Tiffany saga. Dom agrees that Emmett needs to be honest with Tiffany and reminds him that his lack of honesty is what has gotten him into many of the messy situations he has found himself in. When Emmett finally gets Tiffany to come to Smokey’s so they can talk, she is not receptive to the news of Emmett and Keisha. At first, Tiffany thinks the pair are just sleeping with one another, even asking if Emmett had cheated with Keisha while they were still together. Emmett confesses that his physical relationship just began with Keisha and that it is more than sleeping with one another. Tiffany gets up from the table and angrily storms out. Keisha tries to make attempts at contacting Tiffany but her calls and texts go unanswered.

Courtesy of Showtime

Tiffany and Rob seem to be fairing well minus Tiffany’s continued trust issues. Tiffany wants access to Rob’s business contact because she refuses to depend on anyone financially. Rob agrees to set a meet up for Tiffany which does not go as planned because Tiffany made the mistake of saying too much way too soon.

After Tiffany returns home from hearing the news about Emmett and Keisha, she is visibly bothered. Rob tells her that being open to one another will be very important in sustaining a healthy relationship so Tiffany finally admits why she has been so upset. Rob wants Tiffany to allow Emmett and Keisha to be happy and reminds her that love can be very messy.

Darnell wants to take his relationship with Jada to the next level and for him that means moving in together. Jada once again is reluctant in having a man move in with her but Darnell insists that he is ready to be a one woman man. When Jada continues to not be as fond of the idea, Darnell is discouraged by her disposition. Jada tells Darnell that she just wants things to be different this time around — she does not want them to break up. Darnell suggests that Jada take him out on a date for a change. Jada surprises Darnell with a night of old school Chitown stepping and he is enamored by her efforts. The pair step the night away and return home a little earlier due to Darnell throwing his back out.

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Trig and Fatima have a night together but the next morning, Trig has to return to the campaign trail leaving Fatima discouraged. Trig tries to find out why Fatima appears so down and she thinks that Trig will never be willing to be public with her. Trig goes to a church along with Tierra to do some campaigning as a couple. Poppa’s father is back and gives the couple their flowers and offers his church as the place for Trig to announce his run for city counsel. Trig goes into the sanctuary to have a moment alone and text Fatima. Poppa’s father comes in and asks Trig if the rumors are true that his relationship with Tierra is sham. Trig denies the rumors but the confrontation leaves him irritable. He later asks Tierra if there is really a point to them carrying on this false union for political gain — Tierra still sees it as necessary.

Courtesy of Showtime

Trig is on tap to give a major speech at the R.O.C.K Center. He is at the center practicing his speech with Tierra as Peaches comes in to listen to the speech. Trig has a portion of the speech where he is supposed to talk about the success for his mother’s sobriety but becomes uncomfortable presenting it with her in the room. The night of the R.O.C.K event, Trig changes his speech at the last minute and decides to focus the success story on Rashaad instead. After his speech is complete, Peaches confronts her son on the last minute change. Trig admits that he did not want to tell the story until it has actually ended, fearing that his mother may not be able to overcome her addiction and ultimately break his and Jake’s heart. At the event, Roselyn as an announcement of her own. They are breaking ground on a brand new state of the art facility for R.O.C.K much to the shock to both Trig and Tracy. Trig confronts Roselyn on the decision and she simply reminds Trig that he works for her.

The following day, Trig goes to see his mother at Trinity House. When he enters her room, it appears she had never come home from the previous night. He sits on her bed and notices a note on her dresser. Trig reads the note which is a goodbye from his mother. She cites not wanting to disappoint her sons and would rather them remember her sober and of clear mind. She writes that this is just a goodbye for now. Trig puts the letter close to him and begins to sob.


Maisha and Jemma’s bond continues to warm my heart. I love seeing the union of Black girls in friendship.

It appears Jemma will be keeping her baby.

Kevin and Simone are continuing to grow and teach one another different experiences. However their bond is creating a wedge between Kevin and Lynae.

Tiffany reacted exactly how she shouldn’t have. You can not control the narrative beloved. Also she has a good one with Rob but ultimately I can see Tiffany sabotaging it.

