I Confess: I Don’t Like Wine

The M Word
The M Word
Published in
3 min readAug 27, 2016

When you read mummy blogs or Facebook posts there seams to be one reoccurring advise on how to get through the days and weeks of parenthood ‘WINE’.

Now here is my problem. It might sound sacrilegious to other mums out there but I hate wine!

I actually grew up in one of the main wine regions in Germany where good quality wine is cheap but regardless the quality I always hated the taste of it.

If you ever bring me a bottle as a pressent you might aswell bring the cheap stuff because the only thing it will be used for in my house is for cooking or baking or maybe if I get a last minute invitation and have no time to get anything to bring il re gift it.

Now I would love to like wine. Number 1 I think it looks classy to have a glass of wine with dinner and since beer doesn’t really go with any meal besides a BBQ or pizza in front of the TV I usually end up having water (in a wine glass to atleast feel a bit fancy) or a soft drink.

Number 2 wine is a socially exceptable evening drink and of course as I keep reading a good way of recovering from a long day with screaming fighting kids that pretty much wreck your head and house. Apparently sitting down with a bottle of vodka (my personal drink of choice) would be a bit to severe and I probably would have to lock myself in my room for the next day leaving said house to be taken over by the mini terrorists to recover.

But I think my main issue when reading about all these mums using wine to recover from their days spend with their kids is, how do they function the next day?

Is it not in a way a downward spiral where, the more wine you have to recover from screams and over energetic mini versions of you, the more these will effect you the next day?

And then the other thing is I am breastfeeding so as much as I’d love a good night out, away from home with a proper sleep in the next day and no thinking about having to be up early so better go home early, there is the small issue of not being able to drink for pretty much a year to be able to feed this small person.

So then I was thinking about what I could use to wind down. Non alcoholic yet not turning me into a heffer (iv tried chocolate but it was hard to stop at one piece or one small bowl of ice cream).

So I came up with my personal solution. To feel like a person again and not just a mum I need to do something that makes me feel strong and sexy. Where I don’t need hours to dress up but also don’t just hang out in sweatpants with chocolaty handprints all over or baby puke in my hair and where no one sees me as just somebody’s mum or only talks to me to look at the baby. So I joined a pole fitness class. It was easy to convince my boyfriend to babysitt since I think the second I mentioned pole fitness he didn’t listen to much else I said and just had me pictured in his mind doing a pole dance for him and yes the whole people not just seeing me as a mum won’t happen completely since my youngest will have to come along to be able to feed (a fact I’m sure hel love to be reminded of in his teenage years). But atleast for an hour a week il be away from the mess at home and my screaming over energetic toddler and I will do something that will make me feel womanly and sexy while also making me stronger and reducing the chances of me turning into a female version of the Michelin man.

To me that is something no wine in the world can do and I won’t wake up with a headache the next day so its a win win all around.

Of course it still doesn’t solve what to drink to look classy while out for dinner😉

Originally published at kidsandothernotions.wordpress.com on August 27, 2016.



The M Word
The M Word

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