My Hair Is Half Up, Half Down. Like Me

Roisin Thornhill
The M Word
Published in
2 min readJan 30, 2017

My head is wrecked!

And if you are an Irish person, or a person who spends a lot of time around Irish people you’d get that phrase immediately, without explanation. Essentially it means that something is on your mind and bothering you. Although in another incarnation it could be that someone/thing is annoying you, hence the immortal line ‘So and so is a head wrecker!

PND is my demon and boy is she one hell of a head wrecker! Bitch.

I wrote a piece a few months ago while I emerged from a self imposed exile from a world where people look like they’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards. Bird’s nest hair, accentuated by clothes covered in baby vomit and/or dog hair was my uniform of choice. Right -says I -Róisín you’ve got to get a grip. A milestone (cough 40th) birthday is around the corner -time to tackle this eyesore of an appearance. So on to You Tube I went (all the young ones are at it) and found some not so terrifying ways to tackle my hair and how to put it up in a bun.

Eureka! I’ve discovered a cure for Post Natal depression and it’s called backcombing! So impressed was I, I sent a blog post to a well known Irish Mother’s blog page detailing my great achievement. Don’t get me wrong — what I had managed to do was a real success for me as I was never known for my hairdressing skills and I felt a real sense of accomplishment. Mothers responded in droves wishing me well and telling me to keep my chin up that they only was was up! I believed in myself and them, I had this PND thing licked!

And then I went into the abyss.

After the birthday dust settled, the head wrecking bitch began to speak, again, louder this time. “You’re a bad, bad mother” she hissed,”you show the baby more more affection than the older girl— do you know that?”, quickly followed by“this baby isn’t getting as much of an effort from you as as the last one did is she?”, “oh and by the way, did I ever tell you that you’re fat, ugly, lazy, (slight pause to sigh ) I mean surely you’re aware of all this — it’s blindingly obvious, and don’t even get me started on your hair!”

So that’s my ongoing head wrecking situation at the mo, but I’m trying to get a handle on it.

The hair is half up, half down, baby steps.

