To My Daughter

Liora Shapiro
The M Word
Published in
2 min readDec 3, 2016

Be the girl who breaks the chains of what they tell you it means to be a girl.

Be the girl who speaks up when you see something wrong.

Be the girl who speaks up for yourself.

Remember that you’re not a mere bystander. When you see someone in need or in pain, don’t just think “why doesn’t somebody do something about it?”. Be that somebody.

Let’s be grateful for all we have; the few trivial things we’re missing out on aren’t really that worth having anyway.

Not everyone is nice. I still believe that most people are. But be careful, and know when to give up. Some people do not deserve your time.

You’ll have your own opinions and I’ll have mine, and sometimes we’ll disagree, and sometimes we’ll argue, but I will always love you.

The vast majority of girls don’t think they’re pretty. I already know statistically it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to see how beautiful, smart and amazing you are… But you are, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Leave this world having given more than you’ve taken.

Never forget where you came from, or where you are going.

I love you.

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Liora Shapiro
The M Word

Mum, social impact nerd, feminist, cheese addict.