Grace Grassi
The MA Voice
Published in
11 min readDec 18, 2019


Grace Grassi

Looking Inward to Look Outward

I’ve spoken to five people who claim to have psychic powers. As expected, some of these people use tools to assist them like cards or tiles. Others read the energy of people or situations and propose predictions for the future. Having never received a reading before, I was intrigued by those who seemingly operated at a higher level of consciousness. Originally, I had the uncommon experience of being a believer and then becoming a skeptic after my conversations. I learned that many different kinds of psychics would just put trust in their own intuition so that they can make judgments for other people. Wanguee, the first spiritual advisor I spoke to, confessed, “I really feel like most people don’t need me because I think most people can do what I do. They just have to learn how to develop their intuition or they haven’t cut out the noise to think about it.”

The majority of people I spoke with admit to not having an extraordinary ability that the rest of mortals lack. Introspection and placing trust in innate intuition are the keys to reading a person’s deepest thoughts. So both professional and amateur psychics look inward to work with total strangers. How they develop their skills is an amazing story of intimate human empathy and communication.


K-Pop Psychic

If you have not found K-Pop Psychic on Youtube yet, you are missing out on an amazing musical experience and a seemingly-large-budget video that accompanies it. Your new source of internet entertainment will also educate you about the personalities of famous K-Pop artists that this psychic provides readings for. I was surprised to learn that he can perform these readings with just a picture to guide him.

“I just asked for their headshot. They send me their questions and they pay me. Then I kind of do everything and I just send it back to them. So what I do is, I lay out the tiles that I use and I kind of just hover over them in a circle. And when I sense a change in energy, then I pick tiles. So I do the same technique with these K-pop readings. People ask, you know, can you do this person? And then I just did the same thing.”

Wanugee does not solely use tiles for the readings for his 500 clients but also uses other modalities when performing at events for companies such as Google, Facebook, Louis Vuitton etc. He will also use tarot cards and runes, “Scandinavian stones with chicken scratch symbols”.

When I asked him how he learned about these different modalities, he tells me, “You know, there are just ways you learn it. And I also do astrology, I’m not an expert on astrology either.” I thought it was interesting that Wanguee was so quick to deny expertise. Why did he not seem to feel confident in his trade?

“Well, I know a little bit of astrology, you know, but I never studied it because it’s too mental for me. Because I have a business background.” Wanguee went to Berkeley to study business, something he deems as being “very left-brain, very logical, very pragmatic, very bottom line.” This was the first part of his career until, “along the way, I met somebody, they knew a lot about the metaphysical arts, so we had a relationship. And then the more I play with it, the more I realize, “ I just kind of was on the left brain and the business logic part. So, I practiced the right brain, then I said, ‘Oh, okay, maybe I have something here’.”

Wanguee has lived a life with many diversions and seems very content with the journey he is on now, even if it was not the original intention for his life. When I ask what makes his ability unique, he exclaims, “Nothing!” But he does remember the first interactions that allowed him to enter this “right-brain” state of processing information: “I wasn’t just thinking. I wasn’t making my brain think logically, this means this. I was just talking and I kind of, I could feel the difference. I could feel a shift. So that was kind of exhilarating for me. It’s like, ‘Hey, it’s like I have a superpower or something.”

However, with power comes responsibility and there have been times when Wanguee has given false predictions to clients. He remarks that, “A lot of our predictions are incorrect with most people. It’s not like it’s a legal contract where I’m a psychologist. You know, most people just want an objective guidance from somebody because they’re just in their head all the time.”

Terrie Burns

Energy Readings and Intuitive Counsel

Terrie Burns is from Marin County and has spent much of her life working as a teacher in Orinda and in Ross Valley. Burns enjoys working with children because, “They don’t have a rational mind. So like most other animals, except for humans, they live in the present moment. And, in living in the present moment, they are the most salient, conscious human beings on the planet because they’re not off, away from their body. They’re in their mind, and it isn’t off someplace else. It’s right here,`` Her experience with children in the past is one thing that prepared her for this kind of work. “There was my formal education and then there was the education that life gave me. Life is, and always has been my biggest teacher.”

She continues: “I’ve found children to be very open and aware and then usually around a certain age, they start to lose it because they go into matching socially. I don’t have a favorite age, but the younger children up to the age of eight or nine, they’re, they’re the most present, so I’ve worked a lot with that aged child.” But what does she mean by “present”?

“Well, you know, they’re not so mental. They’re really much more in tune with their bodies than most adolescents or adults. They don’t live in their heads, so they’re not trying to find the answer to everything or define something or find a reason for it.”

Burns has worked with “what we referred to as highly gifted children” because “the children at both ends of the spectrum are kind of put into a box.” She believes that mental disorders should not define the children they diagnose. “They communicate really well with each other. I just found ways for children [who have] a different kind of brain so they can usually find a way around it.

It is this experience that motivated Burns to become an intuitive counselor to adults as well. She noticed the alternate state of consciousness possessed by the children and aids adults in their pursuit of adopting this mindset. “What I usually do in my work is, I present a bigger picture because a lot of times when someone perceives that they’re stuck, it’s their perspective that’s doing it to them. And when you open up the perspective and look up a broader picture of what’s going on, they can actually see that what’s happening is serving them in some way and they let go and let things move. You’re usually the one in your own way.“

Burns preaches that we are the ones who possess the power to gain new perspectives and see mobility in our lives and notes that for some, this process may be more challenging. “It is not a unique ability. We all have [intuition]. We just come to the planet with the potential of giving gifts to the world. When we are collaborative, it works. The problems are not designed to be solved by one person. They’re designed to be solved collaboratively. And that just generates creativity.”

Gosh, what a world that would be.

Alicia Little

Psychic Experiences

How were you introduced to this ancient practice?

“My great grandmother from Mexico is called a curandera, a Mexican healer which uses intuition, local folklore, and Chinese medicines. In places where there were no doctors, she would use her craft to heal people spiritually, mentally, and physically.”

Do you have any examples of what kind of healing she practices?

“There was this guy that came to visit her because he couldn’t get rid of the hiccups and others came because of digestive maladies people who wanted foretelling in what was going to happen. She would use Chinese herbs and her intuition.”

Were you ever skeptical of this ability?

“I was never skeptical because in the Mexican tradition is it very common to have psychics and ancestors (Dia de los Muertos) healers. I subscribe to Catholicism along with an indigenous belief in psychics and gods and other ways of dealing with a higher power.”

What does your work consist of and how does helping others impact your life?

“I see what’s in the future through my own lens and in the present. It can be changed upon their actions. Nothing can be forever permanent I think it is helpful for people because it gives peoples’ hope and might change direction in their behavior. I believe we all have guides and mine are helping me tell them what is going on.”

“I absolutely believe in angels. I know I have two that are my guides and in my daily meditation, I thank them. If I need something I will ask for it. And if you really listen you will hear them.”

Have you experienced the power of manifestation and generating something that you will attain in the future?

“You thank them for it like it has already happened. But be careful what you ask for. Sometimes we are too specific for the current moment. Then you must say to yourself, ‘You are always exactly where you are supposed to be right now’ and it is because there is usually a lesson to be learned there.”

“You are here to learn these lessons and if you do not learn them in this lifetime you will keep coming back to revisit it. To find your complete soul, it may take multiple lifetimes.”

I spent the rest of the day thinking about which lifetime I am currently experiencing.

Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D.

Psychic Readings

Please tell me about where you are from and about your heritage.

I’ve been in the US since I was 9 years old. Born in Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

Have you always believed in a higher power?

Definitely. Even what I was very young, I had a strong sense of God.

What was your first introduction to this ancient practice?

“I was born clairvoyant, so there was no “beginning” time. From when I was very young I had lots of precognitive dreams. I could tell things about people that I shouldn’t really know. I automatically tuned into things to check stuff out psychically. Of course, when I was doing all this, I didn’t know it was anything special. Much later in life, I realized not everyone could do those things.”

When did you realize that you had this unique ability?

“I think for me, what was relevant was the moment I realized not everyone had it. That was definitely a big a-ha moment. Mainly what was obvious to me was completely off the radar for most people.”

Did/do you feel a responsibility to use your gift?

“Since I wasn’t aware of having any “gift,” there was no time of considering whether to use it or not. I just started giving psychic readings once I was fed up with having different kinds of jobs. I decided to give psychic readings. That was about 13 years, or so, ago. Right from the beginning, I saw things about my clients. Over time, a “methodology” evolved — the way I would give sessions.

What totally surprised me about giving psychic readings is that not only did I offer information to my clients, but I also learned a whole lot about the nature of reality. That’s what I wrote about in my short book, The Workings of Energy in the Human Energy: A Psychic’s Perspective. It was meant to tell prospective clients how I work as a psychic, which is all about how I see energy operating in the human aura.”

How does helping others impact your life?

“Of course, it makes me feel great to elucidate some long-term challenging issue for clients and offer solutions, but what has been way more impactful was learning about the nature of reality. That did two things. It added direct knowledge, though psychic seeing, what I had written about in my doctoral dissertation about the evolution of consciousness. There I talk, in addition to other things, about the relationship between mysticism, the evolution of consciousness and the new physics, which basically explains the nature of physical reality and spirit and how psychic abilities are possible.

The other gigantic impact was . . . because I could psychically “see” how energy operated to create our reality, I could use that information for my own life. That’s been huge.”

Do you think that there is one ability that you and no one else in the universe has?

“No. Everyone is psychic. There are just degrees of psychic awareness. If you are psychic, you can see way beyond, into the nature of reality. The more you develop this ability, the more you can know about the nature of reality, look way beyond the physical world.”

What is your belief in destiny or fate?

“We have free will. So, nothing is determined. However, when there is a lot of energy on one trajectory, the likelihood that things will actualize, become physical, is greater than for other paths. At the last minute, anyone involved in any potential even can change their mind, and off everyone goes in a totally different direction.”

Lauren Mccormack

Psychic Experiences

Three Things Lauren has Learned as a Psychic

  1. Lauren learned that to help others, she must strengthen her relationship with God.

Because Lauren believes that she can communicate indirectly with Him in times of distress, she must maintain a good relationship with Him. It is important to her that she abides by the lessons and teachings of Catholicism in her daily life. This inspires Lauren to commit acts of kindness or other “good deeds” even when no one is watching. “This can even include small efforts like picking litter up off an empty street.”

2. The Golden Rule really is the Golden Rule.

Lauren holds a firm belief that if everyone abided by the Golden Rule of treating others how we would like to be treated, “we would be living in harmony and be able to more deeply consider how our actions affect others”.

3. Introspection will allow for better communication with Him

When Lauren sets an intention during prayer, she knows that she must clear her mind to receive messages from a higher power. “Everyone is capable of engaging in communication with God as long as they believe in the spirit and their intuition.

Each psychic I had the opportunity to speak with agrees that the answers to the questions we pose to them can usually be found within ourselves. This is a revelation; who would think knowledge of others really come from knowledge of self? Many of these spiritual advisors simply assist in helping their clients introspect. Wanguee’s wisdom is dependent on his knowledge that “everyone is a product of their experiences and adaptations to their environment”. Although this may be easy to conceptualize, understanding how these experiences comprise our consciousness is a difficult process. Here, collaboration is necessary and a psychic may be called upon to use their intuition and apply it to the lives of others. As said by Terry Burns, “collaboration generates creativity and momentum”. Collaboration can arrive to us in different forms as exemplified by Lauren’s relationship with God and Little’s guiding angels. However, with the newfound knowledge of how most psychics function, I may choose to simply dig deeper to better understand myself and my future.

