26 things I learned by my 26th year

Aadil Maan
2 min readOct 9, 2014


Wisdom is tricky business. It takes time to learn that you have learned things. Here are 26 things I learned by my 26th year on planet earth. I mean, one does learn things at age 1, right?

Few things I can now claim as wisdom because I am actually old enough to claim things as wisdom.

1) Just worry about being human. Rest comes with time.

2) Be patient as much as you can with everything. Trust me it helps.

3) Getting angry is overrated and useless. Smile.

4) Find constants in your life because they will help you stay sane and grounded (My wife= my THE constant)

5) Life is full of magical people, embrace them as they shall change your life.

6) Despite what anyone says family is the important factor in ones life. Trust on this.

7) Never ever give up because the moment you do its all lost.

8) Despite how bad things maybe, keep calm and carry on with a smile.

9) We, WE control our thoughts, actions, destiny. The divine is the awesome catalyst that gives it that nice Kick (cue Salman Khan) but you need to do something first.

10) Karma is always watching, so smile.

11) Little/big brothers and sisters, and family don’t need to share blood to be related.

12) Don’t be afraid to admit you have shortcomings.

13) You aren’t perfect, but that’s okay, perfect is overrated anyways.

14) Inspiration can come from the most unexpected of people’s and places.

15) Time is infinite except for us, so live and live large.

16) Tell the ones you love that you love them often.

17) Take up photography, it changes the way you see things.

18) Don’t be afraid to admit you cannot do something.

19) People can be crazy but they are human so forgive often and help always.

20) Sisters rule!!!!

21) Brothers are awesome!!!

22) Never lose sight of your dream because it will happen if you want it to but may require patience.

23) Anything worthy doesn’t need to result in a dollar figure. Sometimes, you just gotta do shit without monetary returns because they’re returns that are just priceless.

24) Give back to the world around you as much as you can.

25) Listen to the young ones, because they are smarter than you think.

26) Love like there is no tomorrow because everything needs passion (job, family, friends, everything)

Thank you to all those who took time to read this BS that I am trying to pass on as wisdom.

Ramblings of an amateur knowledge worker, with love.



Aadil Maan

PgM @ Google; Ex-Apple Engineering PM; I love rambling about building amazing products.