Data Classes, What Are they Good For? Lofty Hosts FayettePy

Casey Kinsey
The Machines are Still Subservient
1 min readSep 21, 2018

We were proud to host a great group at this month’s FayettePy meetup at our HQ in Fayetteville’s Mill District.

Ryan Hiebert presented his analysis of the Data Classes feature which shipped with Python 3.7 earlier this year.

FayettePy meets every 3rd Thursday at a local tech company to discuss Python and it’s applications in Web Development, Business, and Academia.

See the full schedule of events at:

Ryan Hiebert, presenting “Data Classes: What are they good for?”

Lofty Labs CEO, Casey Kinsey, presenting Python Beginner Tips on List Comprehensions.

FayettePy attendees network after the presentation at Lofty Labs HQ.

Originally published at

