A Child’s Plea

A Journey Through Trauma, Resilience, and Healing

Amina Tijjani
The Mad River
1 min readSep 2, 2024


A black and white image of a child sleeping on the side.
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Six years young, a reality splattered like a broken vase.

Fingers grazed forehead, met by crimson.

Cry for reflection rebuffed, a truth concealed,
Aura surrounds, despair an unimaginable desolation.

Where are her family?
Brothers flee home, bearers of grim news,

While I, in chaos, one request refuse to lose.
"Mirror, mirror," I plea, but none comply,

I cry " Mirror, mirror", hush hush
The face I knew, I fear, now a mystery to my eye.

Rejected, redirected, a small form adrift,
Until a voice rises, a desperate gift.

"Bring me my father," I whispered barely audible,
And there he appears, I smile am I in heaven?

Dispelling all dread.
Releasing the breath of relief.

"Oh father" a whisper

Pain subsides, replaced by will.
A longing fulfilled.

"Mirror,mirror" a longing unfilled, I drifted off
Safe in the arms that anchor the past.

Blood may stain, but love remains clear,
Now I am at peace.

In that moment, no mirror could be so dear.

