submissions open


a writing prompt

Peculiar Julia
The Mad River


Photo by Jorge Fernández Salas on Unsplash

What is a harbinger? A warning or something that holds the meaning of things together, or both? You feel it in your gut, but sometimes even your gut only speaks with hindsight.

Look at today, this week, last month: was there some moment, a scene, or a soundscape, which might be an intimation of good or evil things to come?

Is it dread and dark or a message of light that will bring all, hold all, sing all, praise all?

The harbinger may be a herald of times past and times to be, calling the words that should have meaning, willing meaning into your thoughts, without a thought to what meaning was there already.

Or perhaps they play on it, twist those ideas into their own image and call for you to act at something, react to something, be something different than you were five minutes ago, as you observe the bright chequered colours, the shiny trumpet, the ringing of the clocking bell.

Let a harbinger give you a story or poem, write it, edit it, tag it ‘harbinger’, and cast it into The Mad River. The river thirsts for your work.



Peculiar Julia
The Mad River

Writer of poetry, prose, & the occasional rant. I feed the monsters under my bed story cake & poem pastries. What do you feed them?