Sleeping Green

edh lamport
The Mad River
Published in
1 min readFeb 4, 2018
Image courtesy of jplenio via pixabay


Slow drip, drops in the mist as the black, wet branches, the damp bark of upright trunks, take their fill and refuse the rest

Tiny buds, fat with possibility, roundly growing, collect the moisture, coalesce excess at the ends, over distance let it fall

Leaves, nestled brown and skeletal, decaying where they sleep their final rest on the rich humus of forest earth, splattered, tattered and done

Rivulets spilling from tiny pools on every surface, building, darkening, dampening in dips and levels, overflowing

To the dirt below.

Rich, damp air, speckles cold across skin, fingers reddened by the surface of discomfort, scented, daintily, with the organic speech of forest

Pale blades in scattered clumps, reaching for delicate sunlight, veins, long, slender, stretching into new yellow, faint, growing into glow

Luminescent, tilt into tint by counted moments, the first sweetness of green, gaining strength, bursting into brightness under ministrations of warmth

A bird sings.

She wakes.



edh lamport
The Mad River

Defying the laws of physics to encapsulate myself in this tiny box with nothing but an alphabet.