Poetry on Medium

Three Poems

free verse poetry

Glen Armstrong
The Mad River


Antonyms for “Dance Lesson”

Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash

The day’s weird pictures tug my heart
in unexpected

directions: the remains of a snail,
a Mustang with no

fenders or hood.
I am too sad to join them

though they say I am always welcome
to embrace the stillness,

the still broken but still here.

The Bathers #14

Photo by Mathias Reding on Unsplash

I didn’t vote for the sea,
but I concede

its popularity, its definitive win,
its ability

to communicate with a fourth-grade
reading level. (Less?)

People get dressed in their Sunday best
to be tested,

(to be blessed?)
but the sea doesn’t care.

They let their hair down and misplace
their lunch.

Let the uniforms be stripped of their military
insignia and donated

to the cold.
We have closets for old medals and shoes.

It’s old hat
compared to the sea

and its constant renewal.

Ode to Refraction

Photo by Dan DeAlmeida on Unsplash

No scale is available
to measure the degree

to which this river
turns shin to silk.

I ask the dragonfly
unspooling across the surface.

I read magazines full of snow
that won’t melt.

I feel the chill immediately.
Earlier today,

I was up to my knees in sunlight.
I knew my name and math scores.

The trees along the shore
were a destination,

but I wouldn’t say they called
to me or gave the impression

that their presence
might help me gage distance.

