Your Presence is Requested

An Invitation to Take Tea with the High Priestess

Pamela Edwards
The Mad River
4 min readMay 5, 2018


You are cordially invited to take tea with your finer Self.

Will you pour an hourglass of time in your temples, reflecting in the marbled halls of independent thought?

Accepting this invitation, you prepare a High Tea for your better self — austere in your palatial time, looking through a window on your life. Dwelling in beauty, comfortable in your company, taking small sips of reflection.

You read for a while. Then gaze out the window again, recalling how you rose to a recent challenge. In your mind’s eye, you retrace the shapes of your growing edges. Gently amending your frailties. Inquiring more from your integrity.

You are tempted, momentarily, to grow inflated in your personal mythology. After all, you have been invited to take tea in the palace of the archetypal High Priestess…

Even so, you don’t search vainly in reflections of polished perfection. You are discerning. You know the difference between chasing a mirage and creating a moment of oasis.

Here, you choose only to entertain your very deepest aspirations.

Tea in Your Temple

Within a sip upon a tease of transcendence

inter fined, reigning marbled resplendence

lightly spelled, sowing seeds of oasis

velvet spilled, splendid silled, whispered Gracious

traced in veils, above scapes, crossed in glitter

arise to dine, nectar sweets, diced in bitter

palm to psalm, silver moon, rising spires

paging sages, singing songbirds of fire

brimming cup, winging verse, to re-find

ringing true

rising strong

keening kind

This is Your Recipe for Fine Divining

Fill it with morsels of mystery, as you add in your own ir-rations.

Creating a moment of cool oasis, you serve your Self mint tea. Dipping into serenity and lightly snacking on spicy secrets, you savor both the sweet and bitter moments in your finest divining.

Listening to what your inner voice has to say, you ask, what are my recipes for tranquility?

Serenity Dip

1 cucumber, grated
1 cup of plain yogurt, or non-dairy coconut yogurt
1 garlic clove minced
1 scallion chopped
2 T lemon juice
salt & black pepper

  1. Drain the grated cucumber, with gentle restraint, in a strainer.
  2. Stir in all the other ingredients, tastefully, folding in the cucumber last.
  3. Let the flavors deepen for an hour in the fridge, while you chill.
  4. Drizzle the dip with olive oil before serving the dish serenely with fresh vegetables or crackers.

Spicy Chickpeas

1 can of chickpeas, drained
1 t salt
1 t cumin
½ t onion powder
1 t turmeric
½ t chipotle powder
¼ t garlic powder
2 t olive oil

  1. Preheat the oven to 375 F.
  2. Gently dry the chickpeas with a paper towel. When it comes to the final crunch, this is your secret.
  3. Combine all the spices in a bowl. Listen to your intuition and make substitutions from your own magical ir-rations.
  4. Coat the dry chickpeas in olive oil and spice.
  5. Using a large baking tray with raised sides, spread the chickpeas in a single layer. Make sure they aren’t too crowded. Like you, they would like to spend a little time alone.
  6. Cook for 30–40 minutes, stirring occasionally until crunchy.
  7. Now be patient, until you feel completely cool.

Wise Tapenade

1 cup pitted green olives
2 garlic cloves
¼ cup olive oil
¼ cup lemon juice
pinch of rosemary
salt & black pepper

  1. Combine all the ingredients in a food processor. Process your mixture until smooth, except for some chunks of salty wisdom.
  2. Serve thoughtfully, with fresh vegetables or crackers.

Dreamscape Figs

1½ cups unsalted cashews
1 cup water
1 t vanilla extract
¼ t salt
¼ cup honey/agave/maple syrup
1 T coconut oil
10 figs, cut in half
toasted coconut
shaved chocolate

  1. Cover cashews in water and soak overnight to soften.
  2. Strain off the soaking water and blend the cashews with the cup of fresh water, vanilla, salt, honey, and coconut oil. Blend in everything until you feel completely smooth.
  3. Spread the cashew cream on a plate and top with figs. Sprinkle on other toppings like coconut or chocolate.
  4. Sweetly serve your Self, chilled or at room temperature.

We hope you enjoyed your quiet transcendence.

Yours splendidly, Pamela & Brenna

P.S. Before you depart from Tea in Your Temple, take a moment to write a note to your Self (you’re welcome to share it below in the responses, if you choose).


Take a teaspoon of wisdom with you wherever you go:
How do you nourish your strengths?
How will you deepen your compassion?
How can you invite more connection into your life?
How will you claim your deepest independence?

Thank you for reading. If you have an appetite to read more from Pamela Edwards, start here.

