The Power of Social Proof for Self-Published Authors

Are you legit? Prove it.

The MAG Lab
The MAG Lab
5 min readOct 4, 2023


By Jennifer Glover

So, you’re about to self-publish (or hybrid-publish) your debut book. Congratulations! But in a world where anyone can be an author, how do you distinguish yourself from the rest? The answer is social proof.

Well-managed social media can demonstrate social proof, and help readers not only discover but buy your book.

What is Social Proof?

Have you ever been forced to refuel at a sketchy gas station? You know the type: you’ve never heard of it before, it’s in the middle of nowhere, and you sincerely hope when you swipe your card, your credit card information isn’t sent directly to a scammer.

It would have been nice if you’d heard of the place before, or if you could see other travelers successfully filling up their tanks there. It would have been nice if you could Google it, but you can’t.

You might have felt better about refueling at this particular gas station if it had any social proof.

“Social proof” is a fancy way of referring to legitimacy. Are you legit? Can you be trusted to be who you claim to be — with all the insight and advice you’re here to share — or are you a risky unknown with no evidence of your commitment to the subject you’ve written about?

We see and feel the effects of social proof all the time. For example, its influence becomes evident when we compare a product with thousands of five-star reviews to another that has only ten. Which do we usually decide to buy? It’s easy: the product with more proof.

For an author, social proof means creating an active online presence. This demonstrates to readers (and potential event organizers) that the author is active, established, and qualified in their area of expertise.

Why is Social Proof Crucial for Authors?

  1. Visibility: With millions of books available online — spanning almost every imaginable topic and genre — social proof helps authors stand out. When readers see that you have a strong online presence with an engaged following, it boosts your credibility and increases your chances of being noticed.
  2. Speaking Engagements: Want to be invited as a guest speaker or panelist? A thriving social media footprint shows that you have an audience, making you a financially valuable addition to any event. Remember, other people are looking out for themselves in the same way that you’re looking out for yourself. They want a big audience to engage with and advertise to. If it comes down to you and another expert similar to you, the deciding factor will likely be who’s going to bring the bigger audience. Make sure that person is you.
  3. Networking Opportunities: An active online presence can also lead to collaboration opportunities. Other authors, industry professionals, and even publishing houses may notice you, opening doors that were previously closed. Remember: a book is better than a business card.
  4. Increased Sales: Social proof doesn’t just bolster your personal brand; it also affects your bottom line. Maintaining an active presence on social media demonstrates to potential readers that your book is worth their time. Why? Because they can so easily see how many other people find value in your message.

Building Your Social Proof as an Author: A Quick Guide

  1. Choose the Right Platform: Consistently creating content for and managing multi-channel social media campaigns can easily turn into a full-time job. So, it’s okay to start small and scale up (if you have the capacity). If you’re a more visual person or your topic is best demonstrated with images and video, platforms like Instagram and TikTok might be your best bet. Do you love to engage in real-time conversations? Twitter could be for you. Find the social media platforms that feel the most authentic to you and your message and focus your efforts there.
  2. Engage With Your Audience: Gone are the days when it was “enough” to simply make regular posts. In today’s social media landscape, it’s critical that you engage with your audience. This means responding to comments, hosting Q&A sessions, or even doing live readings of your book. (And when I say it’s important to respond to comments, I don’t mean to respond with a throwaway comment like, “Thank you!” Social media algorithms and AI weed out these empty calorie responses when determining how many people should see your content.)
  3. Share Behind-the-Scenes Content: Readers love to see the process behind their favorite books. Share snippets of your writing process, your workspace, or even the challenges you face. Do deep dives inspired by your content. Point out examples of your topic playing out in the wild, and piggyback your content on the ebb and flow of relevant current events. This not only humanizes you but also makes readers feel more invested in your journey.
  4. Collaborate: Partner with fellow authors or influencers in your genre for joint live sessions, giveaways, or book clubs. This not only boosts your reach but also brings in a fresh audience. This also gives you an opportunity to put your money where your mouth is. In other words, collaborations are opportunities to showcase what you bring to the table.
  5. Collect and Showcase Testimonials: When it comes to books, positive reviews and testimonials are critical. Encourage readers to leave reviews on platforms like Amazon or Goodreads. Consider adding these to your author website (pro tip: definitely get yourself an author website). You can also share reader testimonials or screenshots of them alongside your book on your social media. However, be careful to avoid making too many posts that are obviously simple advertisements. These posts don’t tend to perform as well as posts that offer helpful, engaging content to your audience.
  6. Stay Consistent: Building social proof doesn’t happen overnight. Make a plan to post regularly (and by that, I encourage you to share something on each of your chosen platforms at least twice a week). If you don’t, social media algorithms will start ignoring your content. Even if growth seems slow, remember that each post and every interaction brings you one step closer to cementing your virtual reputation and reaching your goals.

Take the Next Step with MAG

The accessibility of self-publishing certainly means it’s easier than ever to become a published author. However, while there is more competition, social media also offers an unprecedented opportunity to connect directly with readers, influencers, and industry stakeholders. By leveraging the power of social proof, you’re not only boosting your personal brand — you’re setting the stage for the next big step in your career.

That said, developing social proof can feel daunting and time-consuming. The good news is: you don’t have to do it alone. In fact, there are professionals ready to support and guide you at Media Alchemy Guild. We are a coalition of senior-level publishing professionals, including ghostwriters, editors, graphic designers, PR experts, social media strategists, and more. Our mission is to help you ideate, manage, and champion your book, brand, and message — one manuscript at a time.

…Or more. We’re flexible.

Check out our directory and dive in. Your audience is waiting!

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The MAG Lab
The MAG Lab

A publication from Media Alchemy Guild, a collective of industry-leading content creators and publishing experts. For more info, visit