Bheeshma- The Enigma

Srivenkata Krishnan
The Mahabharatha
Published in
3 min readAug 29, 2021


Source: Wikipedia

After getting his son, Devavrata back from his mother Ganges, King Shantanu returned to the kingdom. The people of Hastinapur gave a wonderful reception for Devavrata. They were overjoyed to see him and admired his archery skills, the way he carried about himself, the clarity of thoughts he had.

Shantanu also loved him dearly. He had big plans for him. He wanted Devavrata to become his heir to the throne and rule the kingdom with great integrity.

Generally when you have a lot of things in your head, you don’t involve things that give you pleasure. During the ten years when Devavrata was raised by his mother, Shantanu didn’t involve himself in pleasurable activities. He didn’t see any other woman, he was in solitude.

As he got back his son, Shantanu was getting his mojo back. He started enjoying his life.

One day, he was walking along the river Ganges, his eyes fell prey to a woman. He started to like her. He wanted to marry her. So, he approached her and asked her about who she was and where she was from.

She replied “ I am Satyavati, adopted daughter of the fisherman chieftain, Dashraj. I am also the biological daughter of the Chedi king Uparichara Vasu (Vasu) and a cursed apsara (celestial nymph) who was turned into a fish called Adrika.”

