He Put Up With My Shit and Stuck Around for 20 Years

20 years of ups and downs but it was always full of love

Michele Maize
The Maze


Our beautiful wedding day — Photo Credit: Author

June 1, 2003 — The day we got married. We got married on a Sunday and I loved the date because it’s very easy to remember.

Our relationship started in a bar. I was drunk when I walked into that bar, coming from another bar with a group of friends.

I saw him right away while I was ordering my drink from the other end of the bar. After I grabbed my poison, a long island iced tea because I had to always choose a strong drink, I made my way to the other end of the bar.

Alone, and full of liquid courage, I tap this cute man on the shoulder, and blurt out…

You’re cute!

He looks at me shocked.

He turned to me, leaving out his two friends, and we talked for over an hour. Our life stories spilled out, and we began talking about our jobs.

I was infatuated with the fact that he was into Computer Science and worked in IT because I was dabbling in some programming during my free time.

I continued to get drunk and had to use the bathroom. I guess I wrote my number down for him before I fluttered off to the bathroom. On the way, I got sidetracked by some friends and we spent…



Michele Maize
The Maze

Sober Traveler | Wannabe Vegan | Yoga Addict. Extrovert turned introvert who loves dachshunds. Owner of "The Maze". Editor at Black Bear and Globetrotters.