Step-by-Step: How do I build up a prospects list from Social Platforms (With Emails)

Steven Levey
The Sales Equation
Published in
4 min readJul 13, 2017

Note: Part of the Series: “Building your Prospects Lists (Targets/Leads)”

Your prospects reveal a lot about themselves on social media and because you are a savvy individual you look for Social Media triggers that would suggest someone is your Ideal Customer.

I will show you what tools to use if you are wanting to “extract” a prospects contact information via:

  1. LinkedIn
  2. A Prospects Website
  3. What to do if all else fails.
  4. Three other options for building your Prospect Lists that the TOP Sales Teams use to keep their Pipelines Full.

#1 Using LinkedIn:

So you browsing LinkedIn and you think you have FOUND the ideal person that NEEDS your product. Now how do you get their information?

One of my teams favorites (Offer FREE credits)

Can reveal ADDITIONAL email info for the company (Offer FREE credits)

Great team and great product (Used them plenty)

More Advanced Options & Extra functionality (Not cheap but powerful)

PRO TIP: Take out a LinkedIn Sales Navigator Account as you will get access to A LOT more search options and profiles.

#2 A Prospects Website:

Perhaps you come across a companies website and you want to see what “emails” are associated.

Will show you Titles & Emails associated (Mentioned earlier)

Can reveal ADDITIONAL email info for the company (Mentioned Earlier)


  1. From the Website, look for the link to their LinkedIn Page (Click on It)
  2. On the LinkedIn Company Page, click on the link that says “View all … employees”
  3. Now you have a list of the employees. Browse through to the ones you want and then use one of the tools above to extract the contact info.

PRO TIP: If you quickly looking for a company’s LinkedIn profile go to google and type in “”

#3 What to do if all else fails

So you have tried the tools above and their “chrome” extensions but you just not able to get the email address information you need.

Some Insight:

  • The vast majority of business email addresses are made up of a combination of the persons FIRST name; LAST name and the Company domain (url). (Shocking right…who knew?)
  • Popular combinations are;;

Your Options:

  • Guess these combinations yourself and then send “test” emails to see if they are valid. (This is a VERY BAD idea!)
  • Write some code to do it all for you automatically and at scale (We did this and is a great option if you have some dev’s handy).
  • Use the tools above in a “different way” to help you guess the “most likely” email address. & offer an email guessing feature:

Summary: Building a list using Social Platforms

Social platforms give you insights into your potential customers that a traditional bought list will not.

Look for particular indicators on a prospects social profile that would suggest they are your IDEAL customer, then extract their contact information into your overall Prospects List.

#4 Three other options for building your Prospect Lists that the TOP Sales Teams use to keep their Pipelines Full

  1. Buy a list (From traditional and niche providers)
  2. Scrape/Extract a list (Using tools to Automate or Manual Labor)



Steven Levey
The Sales Equation

Strategist | Sales & Marketing Alignment (ABM) | Marketing Technologist