Extra Large rooms for up to 50 participants now available in Business

With many of our customers having an increased need for large meeting in the current situation, we are now enabling all customers on our Business plan to create Extra Large rooms with support for up to 50 participants.

The Whereby Blog
3 min readMar 12, 2020


Up until now, Whereby has had two room modes; normal rooms for up to 4 participants and large rooms for up to 12 participants. We have gotten a lot of feedback that many people need more participants, so we have been hard at work to add support for this.

The new Extra Large room mode has been in beta for some time with Business customers, but given the current situation and this feature being so highly requested by many of our business customers, we wanted to make this available as quickly as possible. Having three room modes is not ideal from a user perspective, but was unfortunately required to get this out quickly. We will continue to work on making transitions between small and large meetings more seamless.

The new Extra Large mode is great for company-wide all hands meetings, team meetings, demos, webinars, online schooling and other use cases in education, conference presentations and any meetings where you want to invite many people to listen to a few speakers.

All admins in Business accounts will now have the ability to create as many Extra Large rooms as needed (within their plan limit).

You can create Extra Large rooms with the “Add XL room” button in the bottom of the dashboard. Read more about room types.

Admins can create Extra Large rooms from the dashboard

How Extra Large rooms work:

  • The step for reviewing cam/mic settings will always be shown before guests join the call.
  • 12 participants can have video on at the same time. Participants with video off will be audio-only spectators, who can unmute audio or push space to talk.
  • It is possible to rotate which participants are on video, by people turning their camera on/off.
  • People can push space to talk.
  • ​Specators can react to what’s being said with animated reactions, making meetings more engaging!
  • Currently, it is not possible to change the status of existing room to be Extra Large. If you want to switch one of your existing rooms, you can just delete the room and re-create it as an Extra Large room.
  • Extra Large rooms will have a label in the room list

Extra Large rooms are still in Beta, meaning that we may make smaller tweaks to the experience without notice and you may experience bugs.

Set up a Business plan for your organization to get started. We'd love to hear any feedback you have, and will do our best to iterate quickly!

- The Whereby Team

