Carbon Chain: Blockchain Goes Green

Joshua Munson
ICO Services Inc. Joshua Munson
1 min readMay 29, 2018

Carbon Chain is looking to turn crypto and blockchain green. While Crypto’s blockchain technology is drastically reducing transaction costs, decentralizing financial transactions, and increasing security of financial transfers, it is unfortunately consuming a ton of energy.

Carbon Chain’s research team used their white paper to paint a grim picture for the current state of crypto on the environment.

Bitcoin’s network consumes more energy than 82% of countries on earth. Energy consumption from crypto is expected to double again by 2020. The carbon emissions created by crypto are currently contributing to the release of carbon which in turn is destabilizing the environment. Carbon emissions contribute to climate change and will have long term, costly, negative impacts on the environment.

While Carbon Chain carries the primary benefits of blockchain and crypto transaction’s, it looks to substantially reduce the energy consumption while rewarding investors for doing their part in making the world a better place. Carbon Chain is planning to hold both token buybacks and to be presented at investor conferences to help drive value. ICO investors will also receive a discounted rate for buying in early.

More specific details on the project will be released along with the official white paper in the near future. Follow my blog to keep current on the state of the project.

