Summer Reading 📖: Range

Summary And Key Lessons Learned From Range: Why Generalists Triumph In A Specialized World.

Carlos Pascual
The Management Library


Summary, review and main lessons learned from Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World.

What Is The Main Difference Between Tiger Woods And Roger Federer?

Without thinking too much about it, it would seem logical to say that they practice different sports, a statement that is correct, but the book digs a little deeper and goes back to the origins of both athletes. Tiger was introduced to golf as a way of life when he was just a few months old, and his goal was to reach that number of 10,000 hours of practice as quickly as possible in order to achieve mastery in this sport; however, Roger practised many sports before becoming the best tennis player in the world.

Another example proposed by the author is that of three sisters who came from a very humble family and whose father was determined that his daughters would excel in chess. He followed the example of Tiger Woods, making his daughters live by and for chess and he did not stop until he achieved it. With this example, he tried to corroborate that any person who from an early age begins to practice an activity exhaustively, ends up excelling.

With these examples, the author intends to demonstrate that there are many domains in which deliberate practise and…

