The Facebook user guide

Gaurav Khanna
The Mango People Life
6 min readSep 14, 2016

This is not a how-to-use Facebook guide. This is more of a what to share guide. You must be wondering what is motivation behind this. Why should I spend time on writing something like this. Answer is someone has to initiate. We spend time on Facebook and quality of content is degrading.

Founders of Facebook never would have thought what it has become. They really crafted something beautiful with good intentions of keeping people connected and they succeeded at their best.

I am so thankful to Facebook that I can connect with a person I met years back. I know what my schoolmates are doing and how to reach someone. I can reach the Girl I like in seconds and get to know about her status and her taste. I can know my friend is blessed with a baby OR what are they up-to. This is what they referred to magic in ancient books.

If you browse your timeline, you are here for content. Some learning, some fun, some news from friends and so many ads. Ads are the cost you pay for such freemium service.


Everything comes with its own flaws. Chemistry can be used to learn and invent new things OR create Bombs. We are the choosers.

There is very thin line in between what we should share publicly and what we should keep to ourselves OR what we should share privately. I am too victim of this many a times. Not an exception here. I want to highlight few incidents which I see from time to time.

Image taken from

Facebook is meant for sharing something to your friends and family which is not possible otherwise. You got a new job, you got married, you are blessed with a child, You have some public opinion, You want to express your belief and bla bla. Common party behind all of these is “Public” You are sharing something with public, your friends and family. Whatever you share it appears on others timeline, so it must be something which is meant for them (which we call broadcast technically) but definitely not private.

I want to point out few issues which are solely my personal views.

The Broadcasting Love

  • “Happy Birthday Papa/Mom” where he does not have profile on facebook even, I bet you must have seen such posts floating on your timeline as well. It seems logical if they have a profile and you shared something so your family/friends group can join
  • You are “my love and I miss you all the time” tagging your other half where you are sitting next to each other. It appears to me like you are seeking public opinion about your decision. Yes you love him/her but isn’t it more appropriate to tell this in person.

Recently a friend of mine updated his status (Lets call Gaurav (M) and Gauri (F, his GF) ): “I miss you Gauri 24*7”, Now it appeared on my timeline. I really could not understand what is this status for ? What is in here for his friends (including me) and family. Yes you miss her. But isn’t it more appropriate and beautiful to send this in personal message. After all few relations and feelings can only be celebrated in private.

One possible solution was to simply ignore it as we do usually. Alternative was to point out, probably message him. But I opted to comment on his status (which I call screen of shame), hoping he would understand point. But healthy discussion turned into hot debate and “I said Sorry”. Not because I was wrong, but because I did not intend this. Still I hope, I planted a seed in this mind that he will think next time for a moment.

Sometimes we win by losing

  • People posting Toddlers photos and wishing them birthday, come-on they need a toy OR 10 minutes of your time to play with you
  • Aged people (Parents) new to Facebook commenting ‘I love/miss you’ on their children’s every f**ng picture ! They ain’t dead!! Message them OR better call them!!! (Yea it is rude intentionally)
  • and many many more

You know how it sounds. It sounds like you are seeking validation from people like Hey I married her, did I do right ? You are seeking validation like, hey I am wishing my Father, see how good a son I am. You are seeking validation like, I am good with Kids and see her face, she likes me. Am I a good person now ? Please praise me!! F**king praise me!! Like this post and make me relieved.

Solution : Few feelings are supposed to feel at personal level! Do not ruin meaning of relations and love for God’s sake!! When you share something, ask yourself : this is the value I am adding to reader. Do I justify? In addition, Facebook can initiate and make people aware of what you are sharing is meant for public. Probably some guide videos. One small example is instead of asking “Whats in your mind” , They can ask “What do you want to share with friends and family”. I think the day is not far when we will have “Facebook guide” in our curriculum.

The Superstition

Like this post and help this Kid with $1. Share this post and his cancer will be treated. Comment ‘xyz’ here and you will get that good news. Do all and You can give birth to a baby in 9 days.

Sad part is people are engaged in all this. Not only that, few posts use their fear like if you do not share/comment/like then bad will happen in next x days. They not only follow this superstition but feel complete on taking such actions. They think they just did their part to save that Kid whose photo might be even photoshopped. I wonder why don’t they agree if some post says “Like this post and you can live without food n water for next 36 days” Don’t worry, if you die We will make you alive.

After all common sense is not that common.

Solution: If you want to help someone, go outside and do yourself. Give food to some hungry and feel the difference. Give shoes to someone needy and see the happiness. If you are educated, use it. If you can not stop superstition, your job is not to spread it. Very simple.

The Social Media

Who on earth invented this term!! Now majority of news you read, photos you see, videos you watch are not authentic. No body is liable for those stories you are sharing. No one knows origin of those.

Some one shares a photo with a kid saying (s)he is missing from home. Now we, yes we stupid people will keep on sharing those photos thinking we are helping someone. Now assume a Kid whose photo went viral which claims he is missing since 5 days. Because of your contribution ( yaaay you did it! ), someone found and dropped him home. But now every-time he goes out of his home, someone picks him up and drops at home.

Solution : You get the metaphor here, not everything we see is true and authentic. Unless it is from authentic source, do not share it. Use your mind. In addition Facebook as a tool should tackle this problem now.


We spend time on Facebook, share there and consume ,There is no alternate for that. Why don’t we make it better ? It is in our hands. We are the creators, we are the consumers.

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