Mani Sidhu
The Mani Sidhu
Published in
1 min readJul 9, 2020


Today a friend talked about male ego

Yes, we have ego

But it’s not about male or female

We all have ego..

A person who drink scotch

Won’t drink country liquor

A girl who always date a stud

Won’t date a nerd

Who drive luxury cars,

Would never travel in bus

Unless it’s a freaky choice

Because that’s there, ego…

Situations and time define ego

For one it may be ego

For other,

It may be a precautionary measure for caution

Which may appear as ego.

Today a friend talked about male ego.

Religions are full of ego

Mine is better or best

Itself is an ego

Societies are full of ego

West is best, fuck the rest

Blacks, whites, chamars (schedule caste in India), sardars,

Everywhere you see is ego.

Kashmiris going to take freedom

That’s there, ego

India won’t give

It’s our ego.

Two people fall in love,

Merry against everyone

On the name of freedom or love

Is there ego

And later can’t live with each other

Again, a different ego.

But what’s the point to explain further

When already explained in first two lines

Of the poem ‘ego’.

© Mani Sidhu

Book “You” and “Yellow Butterfly” available on amazon

Collection available on “My Shop

