How is hunger of world going to be fulfilled?

Mani Sidhu
The Mani Sidhu
Published in
3 min readJul 13, 2020

An essay on world hunger

We may have got so cocooned into leisure or struggle of our own personal life that we almost forgot about the world hunger problem. I am not spared, even I have not been able to escape the homely environment and investigate the other world. I often see people lying around roads without clothes and limited accessibility to food. I do not know how they feed their children. And a sense of awakening towards society do pop up but once again rattles away with thought changes. This is habitual with most of us. And if it is? Then who is going to talk about the world who is deprived of very basic need of survival.

Just recently with the outburst of corona lock-downs around world, almost every normal household stocked essential items in advance for 2–3 months. It was just because of their access to money. But everyone is not fortunate enough to rescue the temperament of conditions. They face economic challenges in normal days to feed their families on the above this corona effect was like hard hit on their spinal.

I just figured out a Hindustan Times article that canvases a picture of bleak future.“Nearly 690 million people hungry: UN report”

This is reported by UN. 8.9 percent of people around the world is struggling with hunger. Whom is to look after them? Who will beef up such an enormous amount of money to feed such a large scale of population? Don’t we think it is also the duty of governments at local levels also to do the same? But what if governments are also at collapsing mode and in urge desperation of loans from bigger economies? Well, I do not know how people are going to be fed.

It is either belief or common saying in India that almighty god feeds even the smallest snail on earth. He will feed every human by any mean. But my intellect denies this belief, on the other hand I am a victim of the same belief as I am unable to visualize the fulfillment of food for all by myself. There is no other way around to just wish and leave everything on the goodwill of god.

Or do a little, pay charities from your earned money to organizations that truly work for the welfare of world and provide ration to even the unheard areas of world. But do not fall into trap of fake organizations which take donations on the name of serving and serve themselves.

If not charities, then buy eatables and distribute to the nearest areas of your community/city/town/village where you may think is a need. As the world hunger population includes not only the community living in remote areas of world but also in fully or moderately developed cities of your presence. Just feed them.

Try to serve Humanity with your little efforts. Your little may be huge for someone.

I am attaching a link below of organization I donate (Hemkunt Foundation), and which works in my city. You could donate them, or you can also donate to your known organizations in your cities or around the world. Where so ever you feel like, its your choice but do donate or serve to lesson world sufferings.

© Mani Sidhu

Hindustan Times Link : Link

Hemkunt Foundation :

