I Have Waited for You So Long

Mani Sidhu
The Mani Sidhu
Published in
2 min readJul 20, 2020

Poetry of wait

Photo by Kyle Broad on Unsplash

I Have Waited for You So Long

When you will come, I will do this or that,

A little bit of chit and chat.

But nothing happened.

You never came.

My poems waited years for their other soul.

To be whole.

They were left in deserted place,

And never got a call.

So, brought them here, to talk to you.

Still finding, you never came.

They were never for people,

They singed in me.

Hoping one day, I will sing for you.

But look,

You never came.

Heart is also sinking, like a boat in sea,

Huge waves of dark emotions,

Have gathered around it,

It is just finding its way to escape,

To be safe.

Hold your hand, and wave.

But you never came.

I got engulfed in fails,

Have their long tales,

To narrate,

But where are you,

I want to sing my last victory song for you.

But you never came.

Yes, you came,

You came in my thoughts,

In all my slogs.

But never stayed for long.

Left me alone.

Still waiting, you will come again.

But you never came.

You never came to hold my hand,

To laugh at my improper slang,

Eagerly wait for my phone to rang,

I was torn apart and you never came.

I am still wishing, you come.

To see how I run,

All these years without any fun,

Laughter’s has also gone,

Too far from me.

And you also did not come.

© Mani Sidhu

Book “You” and “Yellow Butterfly” available on amazon

Collection available on “My Shop

