What it feels like to be in another lockdown in 2021.

Mani Sidhu
The Mani Sidhu
Published in
2 min readApr 20, 2021

An year has passed when corona hit the world. In March 2020 India got its first complete lockdown. And we all know what happened during those times.

Photo by Matt Seymour on Unsplash

But what it feels like to be in another lockdown after year?

This started settling. People, including me came back to the normal life. Like going out, Partying, chilling, moving without masks (Sometimes). It seemed like everything is under control. Corona cases also started reducing. Vaccination program also got started. People above 45 were getting vaccines.

But suddenly a steep rise is shown by corona. suddenly people in my country getting corona once again. Almost every neighborhood has corona patients right now. And the count on per day corona went to 25K+ in Delhi(Where I belong from). Videos of cremation grounds fully packed with dead bodies. Dead bodies lying on footpaths waiting for there turn to be burnt started circulating. News started coming that there is a huge shortage of oxygen cylinders, beds and medicines in hospitals. Situations are worst currently.

Looking at all these Delhi govt. came with a lockdown procedure to reduce the corona count spike. Govts are trying to control the situation. But they also have there limits. And the problem is getting worst.

So this is the first day of official 1 week lockdown in Delhi. I am just sitting on bed. Not feeling well myself. Feeling low with energy. It seems I got common cold. But not sure. Has taken medicine. and it’s 8:30 morning.

No one should go out. Evening walks have been put into an end one more time. What I mostly feel is not just about me. Its about situations we as humans living in.

My country has many people who’s income depends on daily works. They earn and spend on daily basis.

Its like they live one day life. Every day they are born.

Every day they go out for food and come back. One day missed is like a life not lived.

One week lockdown may be like a blackout in there life. Railway stations and bus station are already packed with daily wage people going back to there villages. To there families. As they cant sustain a city life without food and shelter. And for both they have to work. And to work they need to go out.

