Manifesting big change, fast

tim malbon
Made by Many


Are you tired of generic consultancy advice that never seems to create lasting change? It’s time to experience the power of “Change by Making” with Made by Many, the OG challenger consultancy that’s been transforming businesses with digital ‘making’ for almost two decades.

Made by Many’s unique, hands-on approach focuses on creating innovative digital products and services that drive significant change in our clients’ businesses. But it’s not just about the end product; it’s about the transformational journey we embark on together.

Three reasons “Change by Making” works

  • Understanding real customer problems is the only way to create real-world value: We don’t believe in vague strategies or empty promises. Our product-driven approach delivers tangible, testable outcomes driven by commercial value from the get-go. That’s how our work with Burberry drove an 85% YoY increase in trench-coat sales; how we increased subscriptions to a new paid-for service for Cannes Lions by a whopping 56%; and how we achieved a 35% increase in conversion-to-sale in our work for Finnair
  • It starts with stronger, better ideas — and they come from deeper insights: Everyone says they research customers to understand their needs, but most companies are still talking about desk research. Truly seeing your business and market through your customers’ eyes reveals the best, the biggest and the most game-changing motivations and needs that are often unspoken and unimagined, and definitely not sitting in ‘that tired old marketing segmentation from 3 years ago’!
  • Prototyping whole services is a quicker way to learn more: Our approach manifests new ideas rapidly through iteratively making, testing, prototyping, incubating and piloting. Today’s design tools make it easier than ever to prototype the whole service — including your operating model, governance structures and capabilities. And taking this approach drives change as a by-product, through ‘doing’.

Made by Many is not your typical consultancy.

We’re consultants who make, and our “Change by Making” philosophy is the catalyst for driving real, lasting change in your organisation.

We ‘make’ because making drives a bias for action.

Making leads to proof.

Proof drives change.

We have nearly 17 years’ experience of helping big companies. We specialise in it. We’ll work hand-in-hand with you & your teams every step of the way. Unlike large, traditional consultancies and agencies, working with Made by Many means you meet and work with the people who actually do the work. Clients love the experience and the open way we work.

So why wait? Let’s make some awesome new stuff out of the internet! Get in touch with Made by Many today (here’s a link to our website where you’ll find a way to mail us).



tim malbon
Made by Many

Co-founder of Made by Many, a product innovation & service design company. Agilist. Strategist. Designer of social software. Dad.