An Open Letter To President Trump.

Alexander Yarde
The Maquisard
Published in
3 min readFeb 1, 2017

Alex Yarde pens an open letter to our 45th President. It’s not what you expect.


I recently saw a meme that made me think about the tug of war playing out nationwide about the allocation of resources to help either homeless Americans, some in that mix are also American Veterans, and Refugees fleeing conflict in Syria or other countries at War.

Here it is —

My friend Dave makes an excellent point. It’s not either or. It’s both. I’m encouraged that you have declared during your very, very well attended inauguration,-

“Today’s ceremony however, has very special meaning, because today, we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another or from one party to another, but we are transferring power from Washington, DC, and giving it back to you, the people.” -Donald J.Trump

On that hopeful and optimistic note. I’ve been thinking. Now that you’ve confirmed that we, the American citizens, will be paying for your Pyramid, excuse me. Wall. Because Mexico isn’t paying for it. You’re not going to start a trade war that would only hurt American prosperity you promised us. And you’ve said we will be “reimbursed”. Which as a New Yorker, I know you. We will never see a dime.

If you are a man of your word and the power is truly transferred to us? I say let’s spend that money on housing for Refugees AND the Homeless. Nationwide. I did some quick math.

A single family dwelling nationwide averages $ 250, 000. If we take $15 Billion of the $20 Bilion we were going to spend on a wall we neither need nor would serve the purpose you stated and build houses.

15 billion divided by 250 000 = 60,000

For the price of that one wall, not including maintenance & staffing, we could build sixty thousand homes! You could even put your name on them if you like. You are a real estate guy. Isn’t showing savvy business sense AND compassion a win/win for you?

Build sixty thousand homes all over America. That puts Carpenters, Plumbers, Electricians, Masons a host of trades people, our “Working Class” of ALL backgrounds, not only White, to work.

It also helps local economies. Those new home owners will need durable goods, food, clothing, furniture, transportation, you name it. We can give them micro loans (interest free or low interest if you want a taste) to get a household and job hunt started. Or, they can start a small business but they MUST find gainful employ. This provides the dignity of work, encourages personal responsibility and self reliance. It’s not a hand out. I’m sure there will be a wide range of talents, experience and expertise in the mix. Match them with companies and give those companies like Starbucks tax breaks for hiring homeless, Veterans or Refugees.

You like tax breaks. Big businesses like them as well.

With the remaining $5 billion you can ensure any dependent children go to the schools of their choice. Charter, private, home school or public. And more than enough to assist with job training or continuing education courses for their parents. Hire childcare for working parents within the pool of new homeowners. English classes and path to citizenship courses to aid with assimilation.

That, in my humble opinion, is a much more sound, sensible expenditure of hard earned, (well the rest of us didn’t inherit it) money that boosts construction, labor and retail markets in a free market way. And takes a substantial swing at that campaign slogan “Make America Great Again”.

You have the opportunity in your hands to become a great President, or reviled despot. A forward thinking business man willing to invest in America or a frightened reactionary demagogue. Continue to hear endless protests and vilification or sleep the sleep of the just at night. Most importantly, be a good man and role model for your young son.

What kind of man do you want him to become?

I look forward to your response.


A citizen who didn’t vote for you.

