Alexander Yarde
The Maquisard
Published in
2 min readDec 1, 2017


I’m just a geek. I review comic books and toys for a living. I’ve got no special insight on how to reach someone who is convinced something wrong is something right. But one thing I do know is you never know what can inspire a person. What can be the final straw or tipping point that changes someone’s out look.

Here’s my litmus test. If I have to make a case for our shared humanity and why a Muslim Ban is Anti-American and wrong? Your heart needs to be opened before your ears. More likely than not, because of who I am and my status in American society I’m already suspect. Racism is not being proactively discriminatory. It’s very subtle. It’s a willingness to think the best of some people and an assumption of the worse in others.

One monkey don’t stop the show. We can’t wait to convince every single person this administration is rudderless, corrupt & incompetent. This cannot stop us. Do you seriously think every person in America was supportive of Civil Rights Legislation before it passed? The Equal Rights Amendment? Marriage Equality? No. Not even most people.

But through American History non-violent resistance and intersectional support, we’ve made progress before, we will again.

Exchange your Religion, Ethnicity, Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity for “Muslim”. Imagine how you would feel being treated this way. Would you feel valued? Would it make you angry? What if a defining aspect of yours were singled out. I don’t have to imagine. I live it daily.

You’d want others to help you. Show compassion. Let you know you are not alone. This is the heart of what I mean by intersection. Where do our needs intertwine what feels right to me on a gut level and how can I help?

We don’t need everyone, we only need enough.

