White America has Jumped The Shark

Alexander Yarde
The Maquisard


The election of Donald “Pussy Grabber” Trump signals White America has officially jumped the shark.

“Jumping the shark” — an idiom used to describe the moment a television show begins a decline in quality, signaled by a particular scene, or episode, in which the writers use some type of gimmick in an attempt to keep viewers’ interest.

It’s been a long running series. The pilot episodes fighting a guerrilla war against the British Crown with largely immigrants minorities, women and people of all faiths then PLOT TWIST! Freedom from tyranny was only meant for White Christian Guys. A founding document stating “Where All Men Are Created Equal” while those same founders enriching themselves off the free labor of the enslaved. Claiming “Manifest Destiny” while denying Native Genocide during westward expansion. Fighting a Civil War then forgiving the traitorous Southerners only to have them destroy thriving Black Communities of Rosewood & Black Wall Street during “Reconstruction”, Legal segregation and Jim Crow Apartheid regimes combated non violently by communities of faith and killing a King who’s message was love.

Yep, you guys kept us all on the edge of our seats for 240 years. There had been a lot of duplicitous shit until this point. But this election was different, it was like the season opener of THE WALKING DEAD Negan was fun to watch, and we (nerds that know the comic story) expected Glenn to get whacked, but it was just so gratuitous, people can’t watch anymore and the ratings plummeted.

Trump was Negan, his supporters were “The Saviors” poor Glenn was America. You wanted a “hook” this season, but this is an inexcusable lack of quality writing.

The world watched and was sickened. Black Folks were the Comic Nerds that knew it was coming. There is a serious disconnect when the media questions wether they should use the term “Alt-Right” instead of White Supremacist. And yes, all White People. Whatever you liberals were doing in all white spaces for 200 years, It didn’t work. You got butthurt over Bernie or hated Hillary or whatever. Fuck the safety pins. Shit is real.

Today, you will see Vanilla come in two flavors, dumdum & denial. The Dumdums whitelash — slack jawed yokels, racists, homophobic, xenophobic & all kinds of detritus who hate and do violence because that’s the way they engage with the world. LBJ’s willing pickpocket simpletons convincing the lowest white man that he’s better than the greatest black man this is at the heart of how Trump parlayed his Birther movement into the Presidency. We see the semi well off loudmouths at Starbucks or Michaels who think “Make America Great Again” meant you could call black men “boy” or disrespect black female employees publicly without repercussions. Instances like this only highlight how White America has become the “Cousin Olivers” of the planet. Believing the lie that their skintone gives them anything other than unearned privilege in a rigged game. Much like how Trump idiot that he is, now calls fraud in an election he won.

This latest dumdum, an unnamed passenger was on a flight from Atlanta headed to Allentown, PA, last Tuesday night when he was captured on a video that has since gone viral. More than 2.2 million have viewed it since it was posted on Facebook.

The heightened tension in our society means that now more than ever we must require civility on our planes and in our facilities,” he said. “We must stay true to Delta’s core values and treat one another with dignity and respect. We also must remain committed more than ever to the safety of our customers and our crew members. We will not tolerate anything less.” -Delta Airlines

The airline went on to say he’ll never be allowed to fly Delta again, and that it’s refunding every passenger on that flight the full price of their tickets.

So let’s review. “Whiteness” clearly does not impart wisdom nor self respect or dignity. You say the wrong thing in public? Free Speech isn’t the same as consequence-free speech. Whiteness doesn’t impart the capacity to realize Black folks today are not our Great Grandparents nor our Grandparents.

You WILL catch some hands.

Look at it this way Opie. If being white is the only thing you can point to as an accomplishment in your life?

You’ve made some poor decisions.

The biggest concern however is the one that put him over the top. Trump captured about 42 percent of women voters, including white, college-educated, middle-class and wealthy suburban women. 70% of the total electorate was white, he won them handily. Now they are coming out of the closet and trying to deny culpability in this huge dump they took on The Constitution by installing the biggest Kleptocracy since the Guilded Age.

This Becky in particular had the unmitigated gall to write about her explanations on why she voted for a racist, serial cheater, sexual abusing perverted liar who doesn’t pay his taxes and wants to bang his own daughter. —

“I was attracted to a Trump presidency because I sincerely believed only someone as unorthodox and bold as he could take on the deeply infested establishment and extremely dysfunctional system that exists in the federal government. As a non-career politician and businessman, he thinks differently and his unconventional and nonconformist campaign proves it.

The earthquake election results have offered a very clear message and mandate for Democrats and Republicans alike. Change is needed and action is expected.”

This woman declared “We needed a “bull in the china shop” to break some glasses, not someone who needed to shatter the glass ceiling.”

Well Beck, nice story. However, Bulls put China Shops out of business. That’s no way to run a Country. You can’t change anything for the better by getting someone who has absolutely no idea how a thing actually is supposed to work. When you look up Angie’s List for a Contractor to renovate your Master Bathroom, you want the person that has been vetted, licensed and insured, has trusted reviews, is honest, will stand by their work with a record of coming in under or on budget with five star reviews.

If that is an acceptable threshold for home improvement, don’t you think you should take at least as much care in choosing the person who makes important decisions on our environment and natural resources, relationships with our allies abroad, our economy, judicial system, our military and controls the largest nuclear arsenal on earth?

It’s easy for people like her to explain away her horrible choices, because unlike 400,000 fellow Kentuckians she’s not worried about losing her health insurance when Medicare is defunded by, you guessed it, The Great White Dope.

Donald Trump went bankrupt running a Casino. Think about that for a second. He’s never held elective office or had an actual job other than some carpentry he did as a teen and inheriting his fathers business. (I guess that’s why you think he’s Jesus?) He’s surrounded himself with the equivalent of The Legion of Doom. Hasn’t payed taxes in 20 years. Bragged to Billy Bush about grabbing women by the pussy. Sexually abused at least 15 women who have come forward and many more, who as it turns out, wisely remained silent. He ran Beauty Pageants so he could hang around perving on half naked teenage girls. Made fun of the disabled, encouraged violence against reporters. Settled a 25 Million dollar “Trump University” fraud lawsuit. He had a court date in December for raping a 13 year old who after a hack of her personal information received death threats and dropped the suit. He’s even now contesting the results of his own legitimacy whining about recounts on Twitter. Oh, did I mention he wants to bang his own daughter?

But he’s a white and reportedly owns a penis so naturally he’d make an outstanding Chief Executive.

I know for a fact that Becky’s fellow Kentuckians wouldn’t feel the walls closing in if Hillary Clinton had broken that Glass Ceiling. And this is only the tip of the iceberg.

So, White America, you have officially strapped on your water skis, donned your leather jacket and have jumped the shark.

We, People of Color, Muslims, LGTBQ’s, Jews, immigrants people living with disabilities, people with vaginas, his targets, the rest of America and I think the rest of the world, look upon you and collectively shake our heads.

It’s just far too painful to watch anymore. This is the No Mulder, Heroes season2, LOST finale, Rosanne wining the lottery of Shark Jumps.

I can’t wait for better writers next season. I hope they manage to keep the show from being cancelled.

