What is the N+1 Problem in GraphQL?

A crash course on a surprisingly common problem

Mike Cronin
The Marcy Lab School
3 min readJun 27, 2019


Once you get beyond the basics of GraphQL, you’ll likely hear people talk about the “N+1 problem.” This might seem scary, it does sound like O(N) notation, which is usually the last thing you hear before your whiteboard interview implodes. But, rest assured this is a simple concept hiding behind a computer science-y name.

The Situation in Question

Let’s say I have a DB of authors and their books, a simple “has many” relationship. Now, I want to get all my authors, and all their books. In REST, you’d make a route that uses your ORM of choice to do something along the lines of:

Under the hood, it would execute 2 queries: one to get all the authors, and one to get all their books. To use pseudo SQL it would be like:

2 queries. Boom. Done. Since the ORM gets all the ids from the first query, matching all the relationships is easy with the second.



Mike Cronin
The Marcy Lab School

I’m Mostly Focused on JS and web development, but anything coding related is fair game