Is Artificial Intelligence Evolving At Lightning Speed | What AI Leaders At Google Have To Say

Tehreem Fatima
Marketer’s Guide to the AI Galaxy
3 min readJul 14, 2023


Was it yesterday when we spent hours researching data and writing an article or took hundreds of turns before we got the code right? Because now it’s just a command away. A command is all it takes to create a carousel, design a presentation, make unbelievable pictures, and so much more. So, is artificial intelligence really advancing too quickly? Let’s see what AI leaders across the globe have to say about this and how it’s going to affect us.

In The Words Of Google CEO

In an article for Financial Times, CEO Sundar Pichai wrote and agreed that revolution is coming faster than we thought it would, and AI is going to be either as good as humans or as bad as, again, humans. The CEO of the $1.5 trillion market-value company emphasized the fact that there’s a need to take AI responsibly so that we can get the correct use of AI.

Pichai further said that Google has been trying to incorporate AI in services and products for over a decade. To quote Sundar directly, “We care deeply about this.” It looks like Google had foreseen the future of AI, as he further added, “That’s why we published AI principles in 2018.” He also said that governments need to develop global frameworks to keep AI progression in check.

In The Words Of The Godfather Of AI

Geoffrey Everest Hinton, also known as the Godfather of artificial intelligence, quit Google after over a decade of employment, and the reason is quite scary. The 75-year-old scientist said that he quit his job in order to educate the world about the potential harms of OpenAI freely.

In an interview with BBC, he said that AI could become more intelligent than humans, and the under-development technologies are more scary than the existing ones. In another interview with The New York Times, he told the audience how he thought AI still had almost 30 to 50 years to go until it could become a human competitor and how he no longer believes this.

In The Words Of A Former Google AI Researcher

Timnit Gebru, a former Google AI researcher and co-leader of Google’s ethical AI team, made headlines for breaking it to the world that until and unless some external pressure is applied, companies wouldn’t regulate AI. It’s a hard pill to swallow that most of the major companies wouldn’t pay enough heed to AI management. She added that the system needs a motivation better than profit, and controversies haven’t stopped pouring in ever since.

Key Takeaway

Artificial intelligence is undoubtedly taking the internet by storm, and it’s certainly not behind time. OpenAI is now an open competitor for Google, which has ruled the minds of people whenever it comes to researching something online. With Google launching Bard, its own AI chat service, one can get an idea that things are getting pretty serious. But all in all, if used correctly, AI can become a human’s right hand.

