10 Tips for Social Marketing of Your Restaurant/Cafe

These are such type of places where people go for food, snacks, hangout, meetings, etc. They want someplace they can trust with having just the right experience they desire for. That is why we see people generally sticking to their tried, tested & known places by them or their friends.

Coming to the point, let’s understand how we can attract more footfalls/orders to your restaurant/cafe.

1. Show the real ambience & food of your place through not just pictures but also short videos or a few LIVE’s every month.

2. Showcase your employees i.e. managers, chefs, waiters, talk about their stories — show behind the scenes.

3. Reward people visiting your place with Social Shoutouts & other stuff, which will increase their loyalty as well as they may refer or bring in more people than they otherwise would not have.

4. Offer special gifts (inexpensive but sweet) to people who leave good & genuine ratings/reviews.

5. Run different type of contests on Social Media like — Quiz about your menu/location, Food-related quiz, tag a friend type of posts, Ex — tag a friend who loves (different items), Guess the recipe, etc

6. Subtly remind users who visit your place to check-in on Fb/Insta by placing a small placard on each table.

7. Invite Food Bloggers, Zomato Level 6+ users, Influencers etc in your city to your place, some work in barter & few generally charge under 3k for social shoutouts which can be great for you to reach a wider audience who will now know about you & some might follow you, from where our other strategies can help to bring them to your venue physically.

8. Talk about your methods — how delicately you make each item on your menu, what goes behind for preparation, what level of cleanliness you maintain, ingredients, how much you care for everyone who comes to your place.

9. Try to run some referral campaign — it isn’t just valid for online products/services. Give proper thought and you can easily create a referral programme for your customers that is beneficial for all the 3 parties involved.

10. Organise random fun events during above average footfalls period and cover them on social media, chances are most of the audience will also do the same, it isn’t going to cost you much, considering the effect it can have, it is a must-do.

11. An Extra Tip — Have a strong brand voice and presence in the online world — social media, good reviews on zomato/yelp, google maps, partner with delivery services, FB/Insta check-ins, user-generated content.

These are just a few things I could think of while writing this, would love to read other ideas as well. Do share your views about the same!


This blog was first published here.

Must Read — 15 Ways to Increase Engagement on Your Social Media Posts



Tusshar Aggarwal
The Marketing Daily — Digi Elephant

Entrepreneur, Digital Marketing Consultant, Startup & Blockchain Enthusiast.