Mail Marketing Tips for Business

Rahul Budania
The MARKETING Insights
4 min readApr 3, 2021


Have you heard that money is on the list? It’s true. And email marketing is one of the incredible valuable assets. Big companies like Amazon, Microsoft, and Google are using email as a marketing channel.

Email marketing is dead or dying — this is a myth if you heard this ever. 319 billion emails are daily received and sent across the world. So, actually, it is a valuable tool when it comes to marketing.

A lot of businesses reviewed that email is 40 times more conversion tool as compared to social media.

A full-planned strategy is important when it comes to driving better results through email marketing.

6 Tips for E-Mail Marketing to Drive Growth

We sort out some of the best mail marketing tips for business on how to write an email that has a strong possibility to open it.

Test Subject Line before Deliver

Your subject line of mail fixes the possibility that the recipient opens it or not. Your subject line should attractive, including catchy words, uncommon words, emotional words, point out words like you & your, some offers and counting number.

Check your subject line before you deliver multiple times by studying newly algorithms and some online tools and optimize them.

We can say that your subject line is the welcome gate or outfit of your email. So, write your subject line by calculating all the scenarios.

The inside content of your mail is worthless if your subject line is not so good enough. Your subject is who allows or attracts a person to open this mail.

Let’s allow the recipient to open your mail by optimizing the subject line by incorporating the facets mentioned above.

Use a Real Person’s Name in the Sender Field

The mail from a person is more likely by a recipient as compared to the mail from an organization.

Ensure that the mails which are sending to your clients, customers and consumers, are sent by one of your team members and mention their name here.

The possibility to reply to a mail is more if it includes a person’s name in their sender field.

If you include the name of a team member, it going to be personal and personal mail is more chances to convert a recipient into your customer.

Let’s send a mail through your name and test it with mail through your organization.

Add Personalization

Use the recipient to seem this mail is especially sent to you, like Hiii John, Hello John.

If you send a mail with their name, it generates some vibe of personal attachment. In this data capturing the world, emotional behaviour is most liked pulse by businesses and biggest corporations to influence them towards their product or service.

Simply, if you add some personal spices in your mail it increases more chances to convert recipient into customer and consumer.

Inject Some Humour

“Laugh and learn.” — What an incredible experience it is when you laugh and learn? Great, it is great.

Try to plant senses of humour in your content by adding some laughing stuff and emojis. This also strengthens your relationship with your recipient.

Let’s inject humour in your mail and seems the result and compare it with a straight mail.

Include CTA

At least one call to action (CTA) is must be contained by your mail. You can add more than one CTA.

A call to action is a button which directs the recipient on the website that opens more opportunity for a user.

The point of a CTA is to drive consumers to action. Like shop now, view more, learn more, book now, etc.

It opens new opportunities and options for users which allow them to find something more valuable. It opens the door for user to explore or know more about the brand.

Add a PS

Important links, other CTAs, sources, referrals and your thoughts — a PS can allow you to mention all the stuffs.

PS — postscript that came at the end of the content. This is an option to share some additional stuff and some important thought.

PS may increase the attractiveness and make your mail catchy. So, don’t forget to add a PS in the mail.

Wrap Up

E-Mail marketing is waste of time if you are doing it blindly. With perfect strategy and execution, it will be paying more than you invest. Businesses confess that mail marketing is really a conversion point of their brand which helps to stay engaged with their customers, clients and consumers. Also, this is helpful to update about their brand because people are more curious to know about what’s going on in their chosen business vendors.

We recommend you to consider mail marketing in detail for your business and maybe it open more revenue streams further for you.

Thanks for reading!!



Rahul Budania
The MARKETING Insights

Share thought for self-enhancement and marketing (professional digital marketeer). “Find inspiration to become an inspiration to help myself for help others.”