Remember to Say Thank You

Having a standard thank you letter up your sleeve is a great first step towards a customer relationship management system.
The Minutemailer blog
2 min readJan 3, 2017


Even for small businesses, customer relationship management (CRM) is a tool that can really help. Even if it seems, well, dull as dishwater. But once it’s in place it’ll help to keep your customers nice and warm in your embrace.

There are all sorts of ways to create your CRM processes, most folk choosing to start with the onboarding process. But there’s another end of the scale that’s equally as important as bringing people into the fold, and that’s making people remain tethered to your business when they complete their initial introductory steps. And that’s a simple ‘thank you’.

Which costs, as your mother will tell you, nothing.

At Minutemailer we’ve just spent a little time on our thank you notes, which we can now forget about. So it seems like a timely opportunity to point out some ways to make your thank you notes seem nice and genuine but at the same time drop in subtle brand reinforcements.

Firstly, your thank you note doesn’t actually have to be so long. Ours is a few lines tops. And it’s always sent from the account of our founder. So it’s personal—and that counts to build a level of authenticity in what you’re saying.

We let the user know that they’ve made a good decision. That they’re wise in choosing an email marketing platform created to be super-simple to use. Because it’s good to remind folk that they’re smart. We close the thank you note with a couple of links to pieces on our blog to inspire them to make their first email campaign.

So we thank them, then (hopefully) inspire them to engage with their new favourite email marketing tool.

And that’s it. Our first thank you.

Yet we don’t end there. Because a user also gets a thank you for when they send their first email. And so on…

It’s by no means a groundbreaking and new way of thinking. Saying thank you has been a part in the customer journey long before the web came and made it even easier to do so. However, if you’re not tipping your cap to your customers, make this year the start. Because good manners costs nothing, but it’ll sure help your cause.


The Minutemailer blog

Swedish online marketing platform. Plan, create, schedule and send Email, Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn. Free sign up. On Medium — simple marketing tips.