The Biggest Marketing Mistake Eric Siu Made When He Started Off

Camden Snow
Effective Marketing Tools
2 min readJan 14, 2020
Photo by Sarah Kilian on Unsplash

Note: This is my personal recap and review of episode 1262 of Marketing School — a podcast by Neil Patel and Eric Siu. I’ve also added a few notes on how you might benefit as a writer on Medium. If you enjoy this post you should check out and listen to their podcast here.


Eric Siu has been doing marketing for 10 years. He believes the biggest mistake he made when he first started out in marketing was always going for quick wins. He tried to make things quickly and cheaply.

Instead, he recommends focusing on how you can make the biggest impact possible:

  • Aim for higher quality content
  • Aim to make money in a niche you’re interested in so you stay motivated.

He recommends starting with your personal why, as explained in Simon Sinek’s TED talk:

Eric explains that if your main goal is the wrong goal, you’ll make stupid tactical mistakes that will cost you big time in the long run.

His recommendations for not making mistakes:

  • Understand why you’re doing your marketing activity
  • Learn how to use your skills to help other people
  • Learn from other businesses because they know a lot more than you do in a lot of other areas of business.
  • Prove your value while you learn (and hopefully get paid while you’re doing it).


I always love pieces of content that teach about specific mistakes to avoid. While going for quick wins is a fairly obvious mistake, I think it’s a mistake that everyone still constantly makes.

How you can translate this to your Medium writing.

Figuring out your why will always be important to make sure you don’t cheap out for quick wins in any area of your life.

On Medium, that might be posting short content that doesn’t really have a clear point because you feel like you haven’t posted in a while.

Don’t fall for the trap!

If you haven’t yet, watch the Simon Sinek TED talk video posted above (or read his book of the same name) and think about your why. Then make sure that every post you make on Medium is in line with that goal.

That way, none of your Medium posts will be attempts at quick wins, but posts that will get you to your long-term goals.

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Camden Snow
Effective Marketing Tools

Movies, music, & poetry. Demisexual. I'm a multimedia artist saturated in nostalgia.