Letter to one of our early customers, Behroze Khan.

A Conversation with Customer

Here is what happened recently when I wrote a hand written letter to someone I knew nothing about.

Waqas Ali
Markhor Journal
Published in
2 min readAug 6, 2013


If you follow Hometown, you might know that we write a handwritten personal note to each customer. Recently we ran our sale on Fab.com.

Despite the fact we didn't know who'll be buying our shoes from there, I and my co-founder Sidra wrote letters and included them in the shoe boxes while shipping.

Some people replied back using email. Here is one of the conversations:

From: Felix K.
To: Waqas Ali
Subject: Reply to your letter

Dear Waqas Ali,

first of all i would like to say that i am very happy with my new shoes. You and your team did a very, very nice job! Thank you for your letter. It was very surprising to find a letter in the box. This gave the shoes a very personal touch. Even the fact that you take the time to write a letter (by hand) shows that you take care about your customers. I wish more manufactories like yours will combine perfect craftsmanship with current technologies. Keep it going, and thank you and your employees.

With best regards from Lake Constance, Germany

Felix J. Keller

My reply to Felix:

Dear Felix

I am very honoured and humbled to hear from you. And that, such a positive note. Thank you again for taking time to do this for us.

That is right that Hometown combines craftsmanship with technology and storytelling. Stories just like these.

I never knew that Lake Constance is a place in Germany, now I know that and may be sometime I shall come visit you. Your feedback is very valuable and we'll make Hometown even a better place to buy from.

If it is okay with you, consider sharing a picture (or more) of yours with Hometown shoes. We would put this in our office.

And if we can help in any way, please write me here like a friend!

Best wishes from Lahore, Pakistan

Sincerely, Waqas Ali.

Meaningful conversations are integral part of every genuine relationship. Invest your time, love and creativity in them.



Waqas Ali
Markhor Journal

Trying to put imagination into words and learn from the process. Founder of @WearAtoms @Markhor.