Meet the Candidates for Evesham Mayor and Council: Week 1

The Marlton Sun
Published in
4 min readOct 3, 2014

Every week, The Sun will ask candidates in the Nov. 4 election for council seats to respond to questions pertinent to local issues. This week’s questions:

1.) Why are you running for council?

2.) If elected, what would be your top priority?


Deborah Hackman

Age: 55

Occupation: Chemistry teacher, Burlington Township High School

Political Affiliation: Republican

Clubs/Organizations you belong to: Evesham Republican Club, Burlington County Republican Women; Environmental Commission township liaison, Municipal Alliance township liaison, founder of Youth Advisory Committee; member and past board member, Unity Church of Christ

Why are you running for town council?

As a council member, we are elected to give the highest level of service at the best price possible. Therefore, we are always looking to save our constituents taxes. I want to continue to look under every proverbial “rock” to find more ways we can save money for the people of Evesham.

If re-elected, what would be your top priority?

If elected, my priority will be to continue to hold the line on taxes. I want to always be looking at ways to save money for our residents, without compromising on the excellent service that we provide. In short, I want to keep Evesham the town that everyone wants to make their residence.


Fred Ritter

Age: 53

Occupation: Printing and Advertising

Political Affiliation: Democrat

Clubs/Organizations you belong to: Evesham Democrats, Local Philantropy through Our Lady of Lourdes, Sensitive Santa, Sensitive Easter Bunny, The Lynch Home

Why are you running for town Mayor?

I’m running for Mayor because this is our town and we need someone who will stand up for all the residents to be a voice for a better Evesham. I’ll challenge the status quo so we continue delivering high quality services while ensuring families get value for their tax dollars.

If elected, what would be your top priority?

If elected, my top priority would be to promote smart growth throughout the Township developing a comprehensive plan for sustainable redevelopment of the many abandoned properties in Evesham to help lessen the burden on our taxpayers and expand the number of businesses servicing our community.


Randy Brown

Mayor Brown declined to submit an article.


Sophia Nowinski

Age: 69

Occupation: Retired Educational Professional

Political Affiliation: Democrat

Clubs/Organizations you belong to: Marlton Garden Club, Members of the JCC, Evesham Historical Society, 46 year member of NJEA, CCEA, &CEA, Graduate of Rowan University

Why are you running for town council?

I am running for Council because I believe the taxpayers deserve an open and transparent government that provides accountability, is efficient using our resources and effective in delivering services to the residents. Unfortunately, we aren’t getting that from the current Council and the public ends up losing in the end.

If elected, what would be your top priority?

If elected, my top priority would be to increase transparency and openness in the actions we are taking in the name of the taxpayers by requiring that all township council meetings be videotaped, available via the township website and made available to cable television providers for public access programming.


Phil Warren

Age: 31

Occupation: Stay At Home Father

Political Affiliation: Democrat

Clubs/Organizations you belong to: Graduate of TCNJ

Why are you running for town council?

I’m running for Council because as a stay at home father raising two young children, the future of my family depends on the decisions made by our leaders today. The shortsighted decisions of this council could have a significant impact down the road leaving residents stuck footing the bill.

If elected, what would be your top priority?

My top priority would be seeking additional opportunities for sharing services with neighboring communities to save tax dollars instead of playing shell games like the current Council by bonding against the future of our town and residents. We need a complete audit and accounting of Township finances for the public.


Steven D. Zeuli

Age: 53

Occupation: Small business owner

Political Affiliation: Republican

Why are you running for town council?

To give back to this community that has given me and my family so many wonderful opportunities.

If re-elected, what would be your top priority?

To continue researching, refining, and implementing new efficiencies to our local government.

