Amy T
The Masses
Published in
2 min readMar 30, 2017


What Happened to Mary? Films fan fiction

It’s dark here. This is only one of the many gangster dens I’ve attempted to infiltrate to prevent them from going through with their plans to rob every store on the block. Unfortunately, my attempts were exposed by One-Eyed Jack. I never thought he would be the one to see through my disguise as an innocent waitress girl. Once I was found out, I felt the cold hard touch of gun point in my back as I was hustled out the restaurant. Cloths halted my attempts to speak and see. Blindfolded, they left me in the cold, damp cellar. I know I have to leave this place soon or I will not be able to stop the thefts from happening. (Ends Mary’s perspective)

Little did Mary know, this was the least of her problems, for her evil step father lurked outside the den in the shadows. No one else hears her screams but her and her step father. She manages to cut her bound wrists and slip the blindfold on her neck with some broken glass on the dirt cellar floor. Although the cellar was dark, Mary searched tirelessly for an escape, analyzing each wall and even the ceiling. Finally realizing the only way out is through the dirt floor. She grabbed a nearby broken glass bottle to begin digging. She was about knee deep in dirt when the cellar door opened. There stood her evil step father who smirked at Mary’s frightened expression. He held out his hand, and offered to pull her up. But, Mary knows better than to trust such a creature and she demanded to know what he wanted. Mary’s step father offered to get her out of this situation, if she were willing to marry a rich man’s son so that he could live off of them for the rest of their lives. Mary thought to herself, I have survived rock climbing, plane jumping, deep sea diving and car racing, what’s could be so bad about a marriage. She hesitated, but he saw through the hesitation and offered a stronger incentive by showing her three crates with loud labels that screamed tarantulas, snakes, and itching powder. After considering, she agreed to the offer, but after the agreement, he still began to pour the crates into the cellar, while laughing maniacally. When he finished, he teasingly wished her well as he left the cellar door unattended.

Mary was furious. She endured several bites and the feelings of little arachnid hairs and slippery snake scales to finally reach the cellar’s ladder that led to the door. Once she pushed herself above the surface she was again taken back by a forceful dark cloth. Before the gag she yelled “Where are we going??” and to her surprise, her step father’s raspy voice sang “why, off to your bridal fitting, of course. What kind of father would I be if I didn’t make sure you were perfect for your big day?” …. Tune in to “What Happened to Mary?” film next month!

