Welcome, Y’all! Are You Ready?

The Mastermind Emoji
2 min readJan 15, 2022


Let’s say the first struggle was to decide on the voice of this publication: was I gonna be formal or was I gonna be free?
I’m sure by now you’ve guessed my choice.

So, to answer perhaps your first question, what is this blog about?, I’ll tell you now. It’s a real-time autobiography of my tales and adventures, as I quest to make a mark in the new digital frontier, web3 — authentically spoken with the hopes of informing, entertaining and enlightening those curious minds.

I’m claiming this publication as a space to simply express myself in my full voice — the wild, incredible and amazing ride I’m on as an entrepreneur, start-up founder, visionary artist, UX Researcher, mom of two, roller-skating dancer living in East Harlem, NYC in the second year of a global pandemic.

Please be cautioned: You may find ‘The Mastermind Emoji’ to be irreverent, satirical, opinionated, biased, ridiculous! That’s okay with me. I believe in treating these writing as recordings true-to-the-moment. Being able to come back to them, and then witnessing how things unfold and transform over a span of time, and seeing how my opinions shift with progress —
is the fun part.

Here is a place where I can describe, illustrate, present my research, contemplate new theories and then test out my assumptions with real-world experiments and studies, reporting back my findings and outcomes.

Another thing you should know about me is that I also believe in intentional and conscious use of energy — and acting in this awareness strengthens my ability to connect to others very easily, leading to all kinds of funny, unbelievable, spontaneous encounters. Stories I’d love to divulge, almost in the form of a novel narration. So you’ll get some tea in this publication too, names of the associated parties changed to protect the innocent. (ha, yeah right!)

Thank you for spending some time with me, reading my words and allowing me a chance to put my fingerprints on your imagination!




The Mastermind Emoji

SuperGoode, aka Jocelyn Marie Goode, is a visionary artist, UX Researcher, social entrepreneur and creative director building a social enterprise in NYC