Mental Health

A Cure For Depression: Generosity

Ironically it works.

Destiny S. Harris
The Masterpiece
Published in
3 min readNov 17, 2021


Photo by Flash Dantz on Unsplash

One of the best medication-free ways to decrease depression is via generosity. The more you give [within limits], the more positive energy, blessings, healing, and love come floating your way. It's the natural order of the world. What you put into the universe must come back to you.

What goes in, comes out.

No Capacity To Give while Depressed

There is an argument that when a person is depressed, they might feel or have nothing to give, but there is always someone who can receive something good from someone — even when the someone is going through a dark trial.

Maybe you're grieving a loss, which is contributing to your depression. It seems unfathomable to give to anyone during a time like this, but you could offer to share your grief with someone else who is grieving.

There are always unique ways to give within the confines of your mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical pain.

Different Ways To Be Generous

  • Providing shelter to the homeless
  • Feed the homeless
  • Have a movie night with someone who could use the company

