At Four Years Old, I Was a Space-Time Snow Traveler

The childhood joy of conquering a snow-covered hill

R. Scott
The Masterpiece


At Four Years Old, I Was a Space-Time Snow Traveler
Photo taken by the author’s wife. The author reserves the rights to this image

The day started normal, like any other day, with cartoons and a fresh bowl of cereal. As I snuggled in next to Dad to watch, the house was quiet since we were the only ones awake.

I heard some stirring from the other side of the house and wondered if it was mom, and was happy to see it was.

As she sat down next to us with her coffee, I heard Dad utter the words I have been waiting to hear all my life.

‘Let’s go and play in the snow today’

My heart leaped from my chest. I have been preparing for this moment for a long time. I quickly gathered everything that I had prepared in secret for the last few weeks.

My space-time travel suit was carefully constructed to protect from both the extreme cold of exiting the current space-time and the burning heat of returning. The carefully crafted boots would let me walk on any terrain I would encounter.

And the most critical piece of equipment of all, my space-time travel vehicle. To everyone else, it looked like a simple piece of plastic. What no one realized is that it was a fully equipped high tech travel vehicle.



R. Scott
The Masterpiece

As a former Federal Agent, Gang Expert, Restaurant Owner, and Father, I have stories to share. Enjoy my journey. Contact me on Facebook, I like to chat.