Black Mirror: This Dystopian Anthology Will Blow Your Mind

A must-watch to understand the dark sides of new technologies

šŸŒ S M Mamunur Rahman
The Masterpiece


Black Mirror: This Dystopian Anthology Will Blow Your Mind
Image by 412designs from Pixabay

Like many of you, I am not a series-loving person. When you have a 9 to 5 job, you hardly have time to invest in series. Thatā€™s why my Netflix-watch was limited to movies and documentaries. Then, the pandemic hit hard and changed everything. My office turns into home-office, allowing me plenty of time to invest in Netflix.

I deliberately used the word ā€˜investā€™ because I believe spending time to get a pleasant cinematic experience is an investment. It entertains and also widens your thoughts and perspectives.

Anyway, in early March 2020, I decided to watch a few series on Netflix. I started with Sherlock. Then I went for Dark, Stranger Things, The Big Bang Theory, Money Heist, Breaking Bad, and a few others.

I enjoyed Sherlockā€™s incredible race with Moriarty in Sherlock, Sheldonā€™s acting genius in The Big Bang Theory, Professorā€™s inhuman capacity to predict everything in Money Heist, Elevenā€™s fight in the Upside Down world in Stranger Things, and so on. But the series I enjoyed the most and that left a remarkable impact on me is Black Mirror. I just loved it.

Black Mirror



šŸŒ S M Mamunur Rahman
The Masterpiece

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