Communism in America

Seems like it is slowly marching in and many are turning a blind eye.


Photo by Snehal Krishna on Unsplash

So close to home, it isn’t funny. Maybe it’s time once again to ask: why do we fear Communism? It seems to work in China and other countries, so what can be so bad about it? If you need a list, comment below.

Here are some reasons to start: absolute control over their citizens, murder (in the form of executions of falsely charged individuals) to keep everyone in line, taking away private property from owners, limiting religious worship, limiting goods and supplies, limiting number of children per family… do you need more?

Because there are many more and I’ll be glad to tell you if you add a comment requesting such. I’ve written five books from eyewitnesses who all say the same things about Communism coming to their countries-of-origin. It is never nice, or fair, or just… it is the opposite to all of those.

And it’s coming to America quite steadfastly right now.

According to Tom Ozimec of the Epoch Times, in his article INFILTRATING THE WEST: Michigan EV Plant’s Chinese Backer Promotes Communist Propaganda, published on September 2, 2023:

“A China-based company behind the U.S. taxpayer-funded electric vehicle (EV) battery plant in Michigan has published reports…

