Democrats vs Republicans. Who Should You Vote For In The 2024 Election?

Mahan Nourian
The Masterpiece
Published in
6 min read1 day ago

With the 2024 Presidential election right around the corner, who should you vote for if you have not decided yet?

O n June 27, 2024, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump engaged in a heated debate, each presenting their visions for America’s future. My goal in writing this article is to provide a detailed analysis of the two parties distinct key positions, their differences in office, and the potential implications for voters.

Before delving into the distinct viewpoints and objectives of each candidate, it’s essential to comprehend their current standings in the US media and how they are perceived by the public.

Joe Biden

Following the June 27, 2024, presidential debate, public opinion on Joe Biden remains mixed but shows some notable trends. Polls indicate that Biden’s approval rating hovers around 40%, with 55% of Americans holding an unfavorable view of his presidency. This is a slight decline from earlier in the year. Among Democrats, Biden retains strong support, with approximately 70% viewing him favorably. Although this is a decrease from previous highs, independents are more divided, with many expressing concerns over the economy and inflation under his administration​ (RealClearPolling)​​ (Pew Research Center)​.

Biden’s debate performance did little to sway public opinion significantly. His handling of economic issues, particularly inflation, remains a critical point of contention. While he highlighted his legislative achievements and efforts to combat climate change and improve infrastructure, many voters are skeptical about his ability to manage the economy effectively. The debate also brought to light his stance on tariffs, healthcare, and jobs, which received mixed reactions from the public and experts alike​ (PolitiFact)​.

Donald Trump

Donald Trump’s public image continues to be highly polarized. Post-debate polls show that 65% of Americans hold an unfavorable view of Trump, while around 35% view him favorably. His support among Republicans remains strong, with approximately 75% expressing a favorable opinion. However, his unfavorable ratings among independents and Democrats remain high, with over 90% of Democrats viewing him unfavorably​ (RealClearPolling)​​ (Pew Research Center)​.

Trump’s legal troubles, including multiple indictments, play a significant role in shaping public opinion. Many independents and some Republicans see these legal issues as a liability, potentially undermining his candidacy. Despite this, Trump’s core base remains loyal, often viewing the indictments as politically motivated attacks. His debate performance reinforced his criticism of Biden’s economic policies and emphasized his plans to reduce taxes and deregulate industries, which resonate with his supporters but fail to attract broader appeal​ (PolitiFact)​. It is also notable to bring up how the assassination attempt done on Donald Trump seems to have had some effect in the eyes of the public, and has generally ironically put Donald Trump in a better spot in his Presidential race.

Now that we have established their positions and views in the media, we can begin examining their goals for office.

President Joe Biden’s Key Positions:

1. Economy and Taxes: President Biden emphasized his commitment to building a robust middle class. He highlighted his administration’s achievements in job creation and reducing unemployment rates, citing data showing a drop from 6.7% in January 2021 to 3.9% in 2024. Biden proposed maintaining tax cuts for individuals earning less than $400,000 while increasing taxes on corporations and high-income earners. His fiscal year 2025 budget includes raising the corporate income tax rate from 21% to 28% and the top individual tax rate from 37% to 39.6%. These measures aim to fund infrastructure improvements and expand social programs​ (​.

2. Healthcare: Biden defended his healthcare policies, focusing on the Affordable Care Act and recent legislation that capped insulin prices for Medicare beneficiaries at $35 per month. He emphasized the importance of expanding access to affordable healthcare and reducing prescription drug costs. The administration’s efforts have resulted in 20 million more Americans gaining health insurance since 2021​ (​.

3. Climate Change: Addressing climate change is a central pillar of Biden’s agenda. He advocated for a transition to renewable energy sources and set a goal for net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Biden’s policies include significant investments in clean energy jobs and infrastructure, aiming to create 10 million new jobs in the green energy sector by 2030. His administration rejoined the Paris Agreement and introduced measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% below 2005 levels by 2030​ (Northeastern Global News)​.

4. Social Issues: Biden underscored his administration’s achievements in expanding civil rights and combating systemic racism. He highlighted efforts to advance LGBTQ+ rights, such as reversing the ban on transgender individuals serving in the military and supporting the Equality Act. Biden also reaffirmed his commitment to reproductive freedoms, advocating for federal protections for abortion rights following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade​ (Northeastern Global News)​.

Former President Donald Trump’s Key Positions:

1. Economy and Taxes: Trump criticized Biden’s economic policies, arguing they would lead to higher taxes and hinder economic growth. He advocated for extending the tax cuts implemented during his administration, which he claimed spurred economic growth and increased wages. Trump focused on deregulation and reducing government intervention in the economy, proposing to eliminate several environmental regulations that he argued stifle business development​ (​.

2. Healthcare: Trump proposed repealing the Affordable Care Act and replacing it with a system that emphasizes private insurance and competition to lower costs. He argued that Biden’s policies increase government control and reduce individual choice in healthcare. Trump pointed to his administration’s efforts to reduce prescription drug prices through measures like the “Most Favored Nation” rule, which aimed to lower costs by linking U.S. drug prices to those in other developed countries​ (Northeastern Global News)​.

3. Immigration: Trump reiterated his strong stance on immigration, emphasizing the need for robust border security and strict enforcement of immigration laws. He proposed continuing the construction of the border wall and implementing policies to prevent illegal immigration. Trump also highlighted his administration’s success in reducing illegal border crossings and deporting undocumented immigrants with criminal records​ (PolitiFact)​.

4. Foreign Policy: Trump criticized Biden’s handling of international relations, particularly with China and Russia. He advocated for a more aggressive stance against these adversaries and renegotiating trade deals to benefit the U.S. Trump emphasized his administration’s achievements in brokering peace agreements in the Middle East and pressuring NATO allies to increase their defense spending​ (PolitiFact)​.

Differences in Office

  1. Leadership Styles:

Biden’s leadership is characterized by a collaborative approach, working with international allies and emphasizing diplomacy. His administration has focused on rebuilding alliances and re-engaging with multilateral institutions like the World Health Organization and the United Nations.

In contrast, Trump’s style is more confrontational and unilateral, focusing on America First policies and renegotiating international agreements to prioritize U.S. interests.

2. Domestic Policies:

Biden’s administration has prioritized expanding social safety nets, healthcare access, and addressing climate change through federal regulations. His policies aim to reduce economic inequality and promote social justice.

On the other hand, Trump’s tenure emphasized tax cuts, deregulation, and a hardline stance on immigration and trade. His policies sought to boost economic growth by reducing government intervention and promoting free-market principles.

3. Judicial Appointments:

Biden has appointed judges who support progressive values on issues like reproductive rights, healthcare, and civil liberties. His judicial nominations have focused on increasing diversity and representation in the federal judiciary.

Trump’s judicial appointments were more conservative, focusing on originalist interpretations of the Constitution and prioritizing judges who support limited government and strict adherence to the text of the law.

Why Voters Might Support or Oppose Each Candidate

Reasons to Support Biden:

  • Commitment to expanding healthcare access and reducing prescription drug costs.
  • Focus on addressing climate change and promoting renewable energy.
  • Efforts to advance civil rights and social justice.
  • Collaborative leadership style and emphasis on diplomacy.

Reasons to Oppose Biden:

  • Concerns about increasing taxes on corporations and high-income earners.
  • Opposition to certain social policies, such as reproductive rights and LGBTQ+ protections.
  • Perceived government overreach in healthcare and environmental regulations.

Reasons to Support Trump:

  • Strong stance on immigration and border security.
  • Focus on deregulation and reducing government intervention in the economy.
  • Advocacy for extending tax cuts and promoting economic growth.
  • Aggressive foreign policy and prioritization of U.S. interests.

Reasons to Oppose Trump:

  • Concerns about the rollback of environmental protections and healthcare access.
  • Perceived divisiveness and confrontational leadership style.
  • Criticism of handling international relations and diplomacy.
  • Controversial policies on immigration and social issues.

In conclusion, the June 27, 2024, presidential debate highlighted the differences between Biden and Trump, offering voters clear choices based on their priorities and values. It is essential for U.S. citizens to consider the candidates’ positions and potential impacts on the nation’s future before making their decision at the ballot box.

My intention in writing this article was to inform the US citizens that were not so sure in who they want to vote for in a more cohesive and easy to digest bites.

Here are some videos which if you want more details you should view:

The 2024 first Presidential debate that this article was mostly based off:

An analysis in the Presidential debate:

Thank You,

Mahan Nourian



Mahan Nourian
The Masterpiece

A Young Man just trying his best to share his opinions and voice to the world❤️.