Getting Praise From Someone You Admire

Why does it feel so good?

Aman Arora
The Masterpiece
2 min readOct 2, 2023


Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

You began making music a few years ago, considering yourself a beginner. Despite putting your heartfelt music out into the world, it seems that only your inner circle cares.

However, suddenly, you receive appreciation for your music from your idol in a tweet. It would undoubtedly make you feel ecstatic, right?

So, why does it feel good to receive praise from someone you admire?

It is a human condition to feel good when receiving praise, regardless of the source. We need praise for self-esteem, motivation, social acceptance, and emotional well-being, among other reasons.

Nevertheless, receiving praise from someone you admire brings even greater joy and elation. The external validation we all seek becomes sweeter when it comes from our idol. But why?

To understand this, we must delve into why we admire someone in the first place.

We don’t simply admire a person; we admire their qualities — the virtuous, positive, and good qualities that we wish we possessed. We look up to them because we see our ideal selves, our pinnacle versions, reflected in them.

When such a person, to whom we attribute such high qualities and values, notices our efforts and praises them, it does more than merely boost our ego. It reaffirms our abilities and gives us a sense of being on the right path and that our hard work is paying off.

It can also be a profoundly moving motivation — a validation that we are capable, that our efforts are yielding results, and that maybe, just maybe, we’re closer to our ideals than we realized.

Another reason is that the praise comes from someone who is an expert in their field. They possess in-depth knowledge and understanding, making their valuable and honest opinion or feedback even more significant.

Finally, receiving praise from your idol can create a sense of connection. It reinforces the idea that you are part of a community or network and that your work is recognized and valued by those who share your interests and passions.

When such a person, to whom we attribute such high qualities and values, notices our efforts and praises them, it does more than merely boost our ego. It reaffirms our abilities and gives us a sense of being on the right path and that our hard work is paying off.

In essence, praise from those we admire serves not just as ego-boosting validation, but rather as an affirmation of our potential and a bridge to our ideal self. This unique form of interaction fosters a sense of belonging in a like-minded community and fuels our journey of self-improvement.

So, treasure such moments — they are reflective milestones on the pathway to becoming more like the figures we respect and aspire to be.



Aman Arora
The Masterpiece

Helping us to live wholly, slowly, mindfuly, and sustainably. The aim is to make us whole humans. Musings and personal stories at