How 2022 Proved Creativity Matters Now More Than Ever

And why it can make a difference in your professional life

Royah Loie
The Masterpiece


Photo by Joshua Woroniecki on Unsplash

I had only 30 seconds to speak and I was coming up next.

Standing on stage with a group of women at a conference I attended this year, I was waiting for my turn.

There was a crowd of over 200 people seated in the audience and when the mic was passed to me, the first thing I asked was:

“How many of you consider yourselves to be a creative?”

Almost everyone raised their hands.

But then I asked: “How many of you think your online presence reflects your creativity?”

But then I noticed only a handful of people raised their hands.

This was a group of highly talented and skilled entrepreneurs, or to be more specific, mompreneurs.

Which proved to me that while there are so many people sharing their work online, only a portion has an online presence that reflects their creativity.

This means that if you focus on creating compelling content with a visually appealing presentation, then you have the ability to significantly stand out and get your work noticed.

It’s no longer enough to merely have a presence online and push out content. What you create needs to be well thought out and draw people in, while exhibiting your artistic capabilities in whatever field you work in.

Setting aside time to focus on your branding, design, and visual representations of what you offer can make a massive difference. So does focusing on your actual offerings and making sure they are different in some way.

Almost everyone has a website, newsletter, or presence on social media, but what will make your work stand out, and what is unique to you?

Here are some ways you can make sure your creativity is reflected in your online presence:

Evaluate your offerings

People will want to sign up or buy from you if you are offering something they need or want. But also ask yourself how you can bring your own unique twist to the mix when it comes to what you create. Just make sure you are honest with what you’re offering.

Check your visual representations

Make sure to include images and visual representations of what you offer. While your writing skills will get you far, combining them with visual representations makes an even bigger impact.

Update your website

Your website doesn’t need to be super fancy. It can be simple and well thought out. But you want to make sure it stands out and looks professional, while also having some level of originality.

Don’t ignore your email forms

So many writers and online creators have newsletters and email sign up forms, but not all are created equally. How will yours stand out from the rest and what will make people want to sign up?

Lastly, don’t get discouraged or compare yourself to others who have been in your field longer than you. It can take some time, consistency, and additional work to see results. Things don’t happen overnight but know that when you’ve done the above and also put yourself out into the online world, you can create opportunities that will yield results.

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