How To Love Your Body

Even when it isn’t where you want it to be

Venessa Amber
The Masterpiece
5 min readAug 5, 2021


Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

It’s no secret that our bodies change.

Over time, age sets in and we start to see these imperfections take place. Our skin changes and sometimes the shape of our body does too. Metabolisms slow and we have to change our eating habits.

Or maybe we miss a couple of days in the gym and our muscles start to feel more plump than firm. Maybe we are just out of shape, plain and simple.

It happens!

And as a woman, our bodies can change A LOT (hello hormones!). I mean I know mother nature comes once a month, but my body anticipates her arrival for at least one week prior. Cue the discomfort.

I’m talking bloating like all I’ve eaten was carbs for a month and balloon boobs that are so sore I have to ditch the bra.

It’s exhausting! But it’s life.

And It’s easy to obsess over a physique that you used to have, are working toward, or that you are just not happy with at the moment. I’ve been there! Even to the point of hating my body and enduring a lot of negative self-talk. And I know I’m not alone.

But the truth is, that just pulls us down deeper. So I had to figure out a way to love my body even when it wasn’t where I wanted it to be and you should too. It’s a game-changer!

Thank yourself

Our bodies are incredible. I mean the shit we put it through on a daily basis, caffeine consumption, sitting at a desk for hours, exhaustion, processed foods, pain, etc. and it still keeps us going. Incredible!

Even when I don’t look or feel my best, I still take the time to thank my body. Just a few moments a day to get myself centered and show gratitude toward the mechanism that keeps me going.

I am initially annoyed when I feel discomfort, pain, or see a pimple on my face but after the annoyance settles. I thank my body for letting me know that something is wonky. When these things come up, your body is trying to draw your attention to the fact that something is off and you need to take action.

So the best thing to do is thank your body and adjust accordingly. Take it easy for a few days and the pain will likely subside. Drink more water and the pimple will probably clear up… you get the idea.

Positive self-talk

This one can be tough and awkward at first, especially if you are used to doing the opposite.

The first time I complimented myself in the mirror was when I looked in and saw a pimply face staring back. I was so annoyed that the hundred-dollar skincare products on my counter were not doing their job and sad that my once clear face was now dotted with little red annoyances.

So, I decided to find something that I liked in that reflection staring back at me. I found 3; My eyes, my hair, and my lashes. Yep, it was a breakthrough that really boosted my confidence level. I do this daily.

Find something you love about yourself and compliment it — out loud — every day. Tell yourself that you are beautiful, even when you don’t feel it because those imperfections you are harping on are not as significant as you think and you ARE beautiful.

Adjust your wardrobe

An outfit can literally make or break your confidence.

Ever gone to a function completely underdressed and felt a hundred disapproving eyes on you? Or ran into somebody at the grocery store in your sweats that you weren’t expecting to see? Real confidence breakers there that can put you into hiding (been there).

So when you aren’t feeling the cutest or you’ve put on a little weight, find clothes that accentuate your best features and make you feel comfy and confident. Don’t try to squeeze into those jeans or crop-top if it’s going to make you feel uncomfortable. Break out those flowy dresses and skirts that will make you feel and look great.

There is nothing worse than going out in an outfit that squeezes you too tight and makes you focus on the area of your body that you are already unhappy with. So get creative with your closet and find outfits that bring up your confidence instead of tearing it down.

Make a plan and take action

As someone who has fallen in and out of shape quite a few times, I know it can be hard to get started on healthy habits.

Laying out a game plan will definitely help. This means nutrition and fitness (if you want to go all-in). I recommend starting with nutrition because you will start to see a difference with nutrition alone if you can’t make time for the gym.

Eating healthy is important, not just for that hot body that you are working toward but for long-term health as well. I don’t mean starting on some crazy diet or obscene calorie restrictions.

I mean nourishing your body by ditching the processed foods and eating intentionally. Making home-cooked meals that are packed with protein, greens, raw and cooked veggies, and lots of fruit. This also means limiting sweets, sugared drinks, caffeine, and anything else that is negatively impacting your body.

It might be tough initially, but you will quickly feel a difference in your energy levels and see that when you are nourishing your body, those cravings for bad food start to subside.

With all the extra energy, you’ll be hitting the gym in no time! Start slow with just a couple of days in the gym and work your way up. You can also start by doing at-home workouts (there are so many videos on YouTube) or simply going for a run a few times a week.

You got this!

Remember that even when your body changes, your soul doesn’t, and that’s the beauty that really shines through.

These steps simply help you remember that and reinforce your confidence when it gets a little shaky.

Thank you for reading.

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Venessa Amber
The Masterpiece

Life enthusiast, writer, avid coffee drinker, fiction reader. Writing about all the things that scare me, challenge me, & offer insight into this crazy life.