I Adopted a Cute Cat to Do an Experiment

My cat sleeps on my chest and bites me out of love

🌍 S M Mamunur Rahman
The Masterpiece


I Adopted a Cute Cat to Do an Experiment — my cat is on my chest
Photo by the author

I love to do experiments.

When I was in university, I shared my room with four birds and some goldfishes. I used to spend a lot of my time feeding them and watching them play. The birds made a good friendship with me until they reached their adult age, and I let them go.

Later, I wrote a story about a man who gets lost in his bird’s eyes and ultimately escapes the world with a flight together. Though the birds are long gone, the story is still alive, even after almost ten years.

A few months ago, an interesting thought struck me. I see that almost all houses in the western world have pets. Especially dogs and cats are common, and they are everywhere. They get affection and love from their owners and reciprocate the same.

A survey conducted by Riley’s Organics finds that over half of dog owners kiss their pooches more than their partners.

I am curious about why people love their pets so much. Is it only because the pets do what they told them to do? Is this love-giving actually filling one’s loneliness? Do people spend time with their pets because they are more loyal than their human counterparts? Do pets less demanding and have more to offer?



🌍 S M Mamunur Rahman
The Masterpiece

Boost Nominator ✦ Editor of The Environment ✦ I share stories to transform your life