“Kids Are Too Soft These Days”

When did we decide soft kids are bad?

Jenni Brennan, Changing Perspectives
The Masterpiece


Photo by Jenni Brennan of Changing Perspectives

“Kids are too soft these days.”

I rolled my eyes and tuned out the parent next to me at the youth baseball game when he started on a tirade about “today’s kids.”

The truth is, I’m tired of hearing people say that we are raising a generation of soft kids.

When did we all agree that we wanted to raise tough kids anyways?

Why should our goal be to raise kids who slough off danger like it’s no big deal?

Why should our goal be to raise kids who tolerate being bullied by their parents?

Why should our goal be to raise kids who don’t know how to express any feelings other than anger?

I know the answer that parents like the one next me will give.

“We can’t raise soft kids because life isn’t fair.”

“People are going to be mean to our children when they are adults.”

“Kids need to develop thick skin to make it in this cruel world.”

I just don’t buy it.

What if we all tried to raise soft kids?

Kids who aren’t afraid to express their feelings and emotions and will likely be better partners and parents for it.



Jenni Brennan, Changing Perspectives
The Masterpiece

Passionate about exploring the topics of grief, parenting, relationships & mental health. Visit me at www.changingperspectivesonline.com